This has been a whirlwind of a weekend....We started off with a few episodes of random vomiting on Friday...That is not something we like to deal with at the Allen house...Believe me....I am sure no one does...but especially me....Unsure if it is a virus, we chose to just hang out at home on Friday....But that is just the beginning of our weekend...
WCQR is a christian radio station in our area--and they have been advertising for the past few weeks for an upcoming Actors, Model, and Talent Search in our area...The name of the company is AMTC. They are a christian based company that searches for "new faces" in the entertainment industry....I know, I know...some of you are thinking that I am crazy...but when you have a child that "dreams big"...I just had to take Macey to these auditions...We have done many auditions in the past....Macey is a theatre junkie...She got the bug a couple of years ago...and hasn't slowed down since...She is only 8 years old, and constantly dreaming of being an actress....She will tell you though--her back up plan is to be a teacher...So the girl does have a head on her shoulders....Believe me...But these auditions were in the Johnson City mall...on Saturday...after the vomiting go or not to go...that was the question....
"Macey...those auditions we were going to go to are this morning...Do you feel like going?"
"YES!!!!Let's go!!" She said as she got up from a horizontal position on the couch, under a big blanket...She was READY....
So, we did it...We went...When we got there (it was just me and Macey because James had to go to Upward) we were shocked at the big turnout...Auditions were from 11-3 and people were EVERYWHERE....We got there right at 11...and Macey ended up being number 26 in line...So not so bad....They had a stage set up in front of an AMTC national scout...and then the "crowd" in the mall....Macey was nervous while we were watching the people in front of her audition...but the closer to the front of the line she got...the more determined she was...She had already made a couple of friends in the line...talking and smiling...giggling...She was so ready...Anyway...when it was her turn...she walked right up on the stage...head held high...and absolutely blew me away!! I was so proud of her....The had a small 4-5 line commercial script for Twizzlers candy that she had to read...and then she "modeled"....She did amazing...Yes, she is my child...but this is what the scout said to her....They did one on one notes after the auditions... You came down off of the stage and spoke with the scout personally...This is what they told Macey...."You are absolutely ADORABLE! I could see you on TV right now...Disney loves children like you because you are so petite and small..but you are actually 8 years old!!!! Blows my mind!! I loved you!!" Then she proceeded to talk to me a few minutes and invited Macey back for a call back that night(Sat) and 6:30....Macey was ecstatic....So we made a few phone calls to Daddy, Mamaw, and let them know the results....and we headed home so Daddy could go back with us that night.....The call back on Sat. night was only for the parents and the person who was called we needed someone to watch the boys for Christy graciously offered to watch the boys for us, as we headed back to JC....This was a little informational meeting...kind of letting us know what would be going on if Macey was asked to attend the AMTC convention in Orlando FL....They told us there was still one more callback to go before the final decision would be made...and they would call us on the phone sometime before Sunday afternoon...if Macey made it or not.....So still more waiting.....No calls...Saturday night...Macey kept asking...Have they called yet??? Not yet, I would tell her....She fell asleep on the couch that night, very disappointed, thinking she had been cut....
On to Sunday morning....I was laying in the bed, right before I got up..thinking to myself...She didn't make it...and it is going to kill me to tell her....BUT we have had dissapointments like this in the past...and I know that they are good learning experiences...ect...It is still hard to tell her....But I decided something then and there....I am going to pray about this and how to handle it the appropriate way....So, I did....
"Lord, I know that Macey is only 8 years old...but her precious little heart is bound and determined to be an actress. I know that is a BIG dream...and I want to encourage her to "dream big", but also to be realistic...So, Lord, be with me this morning as I share with her that they didn't give her a 3rd callback...Help me to have the right words to say...and make sure that she knows how wonderful she is to me and our family!!!! She is so inspirational to us....Just be with me this you Lord...Amen..."
Then I got up, went into the kitchen to start getting some breakfast ready for the kids...when the phone rang...I answered it, and it was the talent scout...
"We are just now looking over Macey's application and I love her!! Here are a few of the notes that we wrote on her application...Adorable....Star Quality...Beautiful smile...And we would love the opportunity to take her with us to Orlando to the AMTC convention....."
I was speechless....I had just prayed and prepared myself to talk to my daughter about yet another "No" and then this happened....God is in this...I feel it...Because if he wasn't, well, we just wouldn't be doing it....that is the honest truth.....So to keep from making this post any longer....James and I went and met with the scout one more time, Sunday afternoon......and on July 1-7, Macey and I are going to Orlando, Fl. for her to be a part of one of the most sought after Conventions in the business.....Is is scary???? YES!!!!!! But exciting too...She starts acting classes and workshops to get "ready"for the Saturday...They are serious about helping these kids get prepared for the week in Orlando.....
So, I know this has been a long post....I warned you....But it is still one of my ABC challenge you guessed it..."M" is for precious daughter....I am so proud of you girl...and I know that no matter your size, your age, or anything else....that you can do anything you put your mind to!!!! You proved it this weekend!!!! Remember, With God ALL things are possible.....I love you!!!!

I am so glad you are going to get to take her after all. What an experience for you two to have together. It's really sweet that her brothers are so excited for Macey.
You go girl! knock it out of the water!
Congratulations Macey, wish you only the best.
This is so exciting. I am not surprised at all though. Macey is an adorable girl and always has been. We love you Macey and you are always a "STAR" in our eyes. I can't wait to tell your buddy Travis --- he will go crazy. You give it all you got girl - and we can't wait to hear the resuls.
love ya....Diana
That is fantastic!! Wish you luck and what a great experience!!
That is so incredible...tell Macey that the Wallens are very proud of her!! You will have a great time!
Wow! Congrats Macey! What an amazing thing to be doing at such a young age!
I hope you don't mind my asking, but how much did this cost you? My daughter is pretty talented and has her head in the clouds about her future fame. She wants to go to one of these auditions, but frankly, if she is one that is chosen, and they start laying dollar amounts on the table, the deal is done. My husband has been out of work for nearly a year and it is hard to pay the mortgage and get food on the table. I cannot pay for an expensive school. Also, if it did cost, and you paid, went through with everything, did it give Macey a leg up in the performing arts field? Just wondering how it all turned out in the end.
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