"There is a mouse in here!!!" James yelled....(as Macey, Ian and I ALL jumped onto the coffee table....screaming.....
"Where?" said Ian and Macey....
"Under the computer desk!!!" James said....
Cade was sitting at the desk, still in his world of learning to read...which he is doing so well at, I might add....and he looked at us, and started screaming....he had both of his feet pointed towards the ceiling...screaming at the top of his lungs, "MOMMY!!! COME GET ME!! I AM SCARED!!!WHERE'S THE MOUSE?"
I continued to stand on the coffee table, trying to bribe my 4 year old who is frozen in fear, to jump down, and get on the coffee table with me....James finally picked him up and gave him to me, and then the process of catching a tiny furry creature began...We felt violated, it had invaded our territory, and it was going to pay....ha ha ha...that was a little much, but it made me laugh...Anyway, we all got out of the den, and James and Ian were in there with towels stuffed under any possible escape route for this little guy, and they were determined to catch him and remove him from our property....Cade, still screaming, is attached to my hip, while I am trying to help the guys out ;)
"Please, Mommy," he cried. "Don't go back in there, I am scared" he kept saying over and over...I tried to calm him down, but to no avail....
Anyway, we had the bright idea of bringing Milly(our kitten) into the den...She is a cat...she loves mice...Maybe she could help us....She is 3 months old now, but I don't think she is a "pro" at mouse hunting yet...We found this out last night....I do think she is the reason the little varmit was captured....she was a great assistant....but definitely needs some practice..
Well, the story ends after about an hour of James removing every possible piece of paper from the desk area (what a great way to get him to clean the desk !!!) and moving the desk out from the wall, we finally determined the mouse had gotten into the crevice beneath the filing drawers in our desk...James pulled the first one out slowly, afraid the little thing would jump out at us...Not like it was more scared of us, than we were of it....no mouse in the first drawer....Now to the second one....He slowly pulled it out, and jumped back...there it was...We put Milly down, and she saw it right away...she watched it for a second, and then she smacked at it a couple of times..it almost got through a crack behind the entertainment system, but Milly didn't let her...and then James trapped the mouse in a clear container....against the step...He scared Milly and she went and hid behind the couch...She was finished with the mouse hunt....So there James was, stuck holding this container against the wooden step...unable to remove it, or the mouse would be free....So, he had the bright idea of sliding the lid over it very carefully....as he did this...hmmm...the nicest way I know to put this is, the mouse got in the way of the lid....and, well, he is no longer with us....I know some animal lovers out there, may think this is horrible, but the little varmit shouldn't have invaded our home...that's what happens if you are someplace you shouldn't be...and you are a mouse....Life is Hard that way sometimes....
and then James said, "Who said I would get rid of this mouse?"
"You did Honey...I am so proud" I said to him...smiling...
Needless to say, we have set a few mousetraps too...Don't want any family members coming back for a visit.....

OMG...what I wouldn't have give to have been a fly on your wall!! You all crack me up how you all are scared of a little ole mouse. Now if it had been a spider or any other critter I would have been standing on the coffee table with you. I have a couple mice in my old house and they never bothered me...although I didn't enjoy getting the critter out of the mouse trap!! ICK!
I can smash a spider with my shoe...but not a mouse....YUCK..I am still wearing my shoes in the house....
I am terrified of mice. Travis thinks it is funny. If I saw one --- I would totally freak out. I don't think there is anything cute about them......So glad you all caught (disposed of) the little creature. I know the saying "creatures great and small --- God made them all") I just haven't figured out the whole snake, spider, mouse thing- YUCK! Although I know God does all things well.
yea the mouse did scare cade to DEATH
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