"What are they calling?" I asked....
"Unnecessary roughness on number 15" the lady sitting beside me said...(not knowing my child was number 15)
"SERIOUSLY?" I was in shock....
"Way to go Macey!!" James and Ian said in unison.....(Nothing like a good Unnecessary Roughness call to make the men of the house proud!!!)
Macey just smiled, and continued on her merry way...Playing hard...Like an athlete....
I am so proud of her....She really wants to pursue soccer..and I am going to support her on this one...She is little, she is fast...and she is learning this sport so well...and now, I guess, I can add the adjective, aggressive...=) .
( I didn't get any pictures, once again, for not wanting to risk getting my camera wet...I know, but it matters to me....Just imagine, my cute little frizzy (due to the rain) red headed cutie...pushing, shoving, and kicking her way to making a goal!!!) Priceless.....
Just a little note about Cade's game....this is his first year playing soccer...But, he carries on the Allen spirit...He's a mean, lean, running machine!!! The kid is so tough...and fast as lightening....He is the youngest one on his team, and he has an awesome coach...He was the only one that had yet to score a goal this season....so his coach kept him in, and to make sure he got one....Well, Cade was all over the field...running fast...They passed him the ball, he dribbled down the field, set up the kick, Shot, and Bam...Scored his first goal of the season...The crowd roared..they were on their feet, cheering and yelling for Cade....Cade loved it...He smiled, ran, jumped, and gave his coach a big high five....Then, that was the point where his game plan changed....He all of a sudden knew how to play soccer.....He took the ball, down the field, shot, HE SCORED AGAIN!!! Now, this kid has let the cheering section go to his head....Everyone cheered...clapping, he thinks he has his own fan section...His head was so big, it was about to pop.....He had a great game...and is already asking when his next game is....
I know how important it is to build your kids up...in sports, school, even just helping out around the house....Praise means so much to them...They need to know that we are proud of them...It is amazing what just saying, " I love you, and I am proud of you" can do for them....I pray daily that I can be that kind of mommy...Not to be negative, or bring them down...I want them to know whether they make the best play of the game, or they just sit on the bench, that they are number one in my eyes....always...
My kids are avid blog readers...mine anyway...So guys...this one was for you....Ian, Macey and Cade...You are the best...and I love you...Unnecesary Roughness and all....=)
(didn't want you to think I left Ian out, but he isn't playing soccer this year, he had baseball practice today only....His games will start soon...)
Good Night...

Ahh...the joy of soccer. The crying, the cheering and the bruises from being elbowed in the ribs.
Nothing Wrong with a little "Unneccesary Roughness" heheh! GO MACEY!!!
I enjoyed the sports stories. They are all growing up!
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