Well, it is officially done...Cade has been registered for Kindergarten...We went this morning, as soon as we dropped Ian and Macey off for school....So hard for me to believe....He was enrolled this year in the city Pre-School, which has been so good for him...He gotten to go to the same school his brother and sister go to, and he has already gotten familiar with the building, the teachers, and the playground (that is the most important, you know) So, this whole Kindergarten thing, doesn't seem like a very big deal to him...and honestly not as big a deal to me, as it was the other two...Cade goes to school 5 days a week, has lunch, ect...He just gets out at 1:30 instead of 3....He is ready...He has come such a long way this year...When we started Pre-K, he was clingy, crying daily, and just didn't "want to"...He now, jumps out of the car, hugs Mrs. Fuller, and LOVES to go to school....He is reading, and colors and draws like an artist...(he is going to take after his mother in the art department ;)
This is the conversation we had this morning after registration...
"Mommy, I am going to Kindergarten, I am going to ride the bus, be gone ALL day, and YOU ARE GOING to MISS ME!!!"Cade said, as he was holding my hand, smiling, and skipping to the car....
"You got that right little guy...I certainly am going to miss you....Don't be so happy about it" I said laughing at him....
"You'll be fine..." he said to me...as he climbed into the van....asking me what our plans were for the day....
He is right, you know, I will be fine...but I am realizing that this is an end to a season...After August of this year, I will no longer have a preschooler....The thought crosses my mind, maybe we should have one more baby...I always wanted another girl.....then I come to my senses, and think to myself...It is time for this phase of our life to end...There is another getting ready to start....

He is out of school today...and I am going to take full advantage of it...We have until 4:00(when the other 2 get home) to do whatever we want....So we have a "date" today....We are heading to the gym first (because Mommy has to get this weight off), then we have packed our lunches, and we are heading to a special place for a picnic lunch...I will definitely take my camera so I can take some photos of us....A new phase of our lives will begin in the next few months, but for today...I am going to enjoy my baby...Have a great one...
*****Added this to this post last night....Here are a couple of pics from our picnic...James and I surprised Cade with a picnic with Daddy...He left work during his lunch and met us at a park nearby....Cade was so excited for Daddy to eat lunch with us...We had a great time...He didn't want James to go back to work....=( Cade asked me this morning, on the way to school, if we could meet him for a picnic again today....I told him we would picnic on Friday (because they are out of school!!) We had a great day! (pictures aren't that great--just used my cell phone instead of dragging my camera with me)

Oh, I can't believe I am crying! Why am i crying? me, why me? I just love that big guy to death!!! I hope you guys enjoy your day together. You will enjoy this next chapter just as much...just wait and see! I love you guys!
christy h.
That's so sad...I dont have kids, but when Gracie is gone to the groomers...I miss her like crazy, so I can imagine it's worse!!! That's as close as I can relate!!!! But now when my neices & nephews are here for awhile, Im always ready to see them leave!!! 4 @ time when your not use to kids is too many screaming!!!! hahaha!
Cade is so adorable. Sounds like he is definately ready for school. Enjoy your day together...I know you will have a great one. Look forward to seeing the great pictures.
Okay, my hubs is really pressuring me to have another one.....want to be pregnant together? ;-) just kidding
Okay...did I read that right? Does your gym have child care? Oh....I'm feeling the jealousy pains.
Oh CRAP!!! I totally forgot to register Jett yesterday! I think I am going to get the 'Worst Mommy of the Year' award for sure!! :-O
Where has the time gone??
It's just crazy that Blake and Cade are going to be in Kindergarten next year.
I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!!! It will be very strange to have no one here with me during the day.
It makes me sad =-(
Cassie those pics are so good...The lord has truely blessed ya'll...Such a cute family!!!!
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