Sunday night at church, the children put on their performance of "Esther-day"...Macey and Ian did a great job. It was the first church play that they had a major part in, and they both did fantastic!! I was so proud of them....Macey was the character, Zerox the scribe,(sort of the narrator of the play)
and Ian was Haman, the evil one....
They both had a great time doing the play, and had put lots of hard work into learning all of their lines...Here are a few pictures from the performance....This is Mace, singing one of her 2 solos....
This is a scene where Queen Esther is talking with Xerxes and Haman...
Cade's choir also sang....The are called the "Little Treble Makers"...Here is a shot of him singing next to his friend, Jett...Cade got into trouble during his last "stage performance" , so he had been threatened with his life this time...and did FANTASTIC!! We were so proud of him!
Here is a picture of Cade and his friend, Spencer after the show...They were posing for me...
The kids did a great job...and really enjoyed learning about the story of Esther....Worked last night, so good night....

Oh, how cute! Your pictures are great. Ours are grainy. Bruce has ordered a new flash or lens... I'm not sure which. He just gets that stuff. I'm still using the digital point and shoot, which is about to die. It'll be hard to talk Bruce into getting another one now that he's got his beefy camera!
Thanks Tanja...I have to change the settings around on my camera majorly to shoot in the church...the white balance, f stop, and shutter speed...(Bruce would know what I am talking about) but the first few that I took were grainy too....I am wanting a new flash also...James just calls me "gadget girl" =)
Cassie, sorry to post twice. I tagged you on my blog. 3 random things. Hope that's okay.
I've heard all those terms from Bruce. I get the f stop and shutter speed from photography classes, but I have no idea what white balance is. He acts like I do when he talks to me about it though. If I admit I don't know what it is, he'll try to educate me. It's better this way.
Great picture of Jett and Cade! They looked so cute up there...I can't believe they were just 2 when they met!
Those pictures are so GReat!!!! Your kids are so adorable...You & James must be so proud!!!
I love the kids choir name "Little Treble Makers". That is too cute!!
here, too. Love you
Esther is my very favorite book in the bible. I would've loved to see a play about it! Looks like they did an awesome job.
God Bless!
Brenda :)
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