Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Baseball, Baseball and Yes...More Baseball

I am still here...just not on the computer....I thought blogging would be easy in the summer.......I guess I was wrong....=) Our family has been so busy...but we are having a blast...and if I get to blog all of our fun or not...It doesn't really matter...;) I will keep telling myself that...to see if it makes me feel any better about my "blogging slacking". We have done so many things since I posted last...not sure I can remember them all...but I am going to make an effort...The kids were fussing because I haven't blogged about our weekend...So here goes....

Friday night, James and I had a date night....Yes...A date night...We haven't done that in ages...We used to do it once a month or so...and due to the busyness of our lives....we just hadn't made time for it...and we definitely needed it...but, we didn't get to go out until after baseball practice...no comment...(Love you honey) I am still dieting, so eating out is not the most "fun" experience for me right now...(but I have lost 10 pounds!!yeah me!) My favorite salad at a restaurant right now is at Quizno's....So, no, we didn't go any place fancy, but we got salad's at Quizno's, and then went to Dick's Sporting Goods to look around...(believe it or not, I wanted to do this...) then due to our budget...decided to rent a couple of movies, and go home and watch them....We rented 27 Dresses...and I loved it...but I am the girl, who loves a good chic flick...;) Ian spent the night with Hunter, and Macey and Cade stayed with Mamaw...even though we had a great "night out"....We still missed our kids...and couldn't wait to pick them up the next morning....

Saturday...remember the temperature here in NE Tennessee this past weekend was in the 90's....very hot...TOO hot to play baseball in the middle of the day...but we did...James is coaching the Kingsport All-Stars team, and he put them in a tournament this weekend....to get some practice for the "big" tournament the last weekend of June....They played awesome on Saturday...and won both games they played...at 3 and 7....SO HOT!!! (bought these fan/spray bottles for the kids...good investment!) Not one stitch of clothes that I had on was dry...We had a great time though...Me and Cade sweating!!!!!Miss Macey, trying to smile...she had had enough of baseball!We are on a team with some really good friends of ours, and enjoyed getting to spend some time with them....watching our boys play some awesome baseball!!!! This face cracks me up....My oldest son...growing up way to fast....getting ready to steal 3rd....and he slides into home.....Then after spending over 7 hours out in the blazing sun on Sat...I had to work...I really am over this working thing...If I had anything to do with it...I would simply be a stay at home mom...that is what I want...oh well, not happening just yet...but hopefully soon...=)

Sunday...one hour of sleep(worked night shift, remember?) then got up to go to church...Our good friends, Brian and Lisa, visited church this morning...and we were so glad to have them...Ian was thrilled that Landon came also...We hope you guys felt welcomed....=) We left church after Sunday School...to get to the baseball field again...James had made a stand during this tournament he was in...and had told the parents on our team, and the people over the tournament...that we would be forfeiting our game, if we were scheduled to play during church...After winning 2 games on Saturday, we just prayed that the Lord would let us play in the evening...;) But would stand behind James in not playing during church times....Guess what time our game was???? 1:40....Like I have said before...God is good...All the time...Hee hee...But it really didn't matter what time our game was...our boys didn't have a good game today...the heat was unbearable...and like James said...everyone can't win every game....We lost 14-4...But the highlight of this game to me, was what James said to the boys afterwards...."It is good to win...and it doesn't feel good to lose...does it? But we will praise God in both situations...I want to see every one's head's held high, and walk out of here proud of yourselves...because you played a good game...." (He told the boys he wanted to hear their team cheer louder than ever before....and they all put their hands in and yelled....GO INDIANS!!!) I was just thinking...Go Coach James...I am so proud of him...If anyone likes to win, he does...but he cares about the "life lessons" these kids are learning...and I just can't help but love him for that....Tournament over...then I was home to get some sleep...still hadn't slept since working...and had to work 2 more nights....

When I woke up around 7, James proceeded to tell me that Cade had fallen off of Macey's back, and had fallen on his arm...He was crying with it hurting...but we thought he was being dramatic...We took them for ice cream, and he was still crying...so we called a good friend of ours, who is a Nurse Practitioner at our Pediatrics office...and he told us to just bring Cade over and he would take a look at it....He looked at it, and Cade was crying, and really not using that arm very much at all...so he felt sure that it was broken...and advised us to make a trip to the ER for x-rays....so we did...To make a very long story short...(because I could tell you about the horrendous trip to the ER, but I think I will spare you this time....) I had called a couple of my good friends, and my parents, and had them praying for Mr. Cade...After the x-rays were read, no fracture....Thank the LORD!!! Once again, My God is SO Good!!! I was so relieved...We gave him some Ibuprofen, and put him to bed...finally around 1:30 am....and then...I went on in to work...Cade is doing good now...He still complains of pain every once in a while...but nothing significant...

We had a t-ball game last night that was cancelled because of lightening...So then, we headed on over to our friends', the Hite's for a cookout, and let the kids swim...the storm passed and the kids swam and had a great time...but the party pooper that I am had to end all the fun, to go in to work again last night....Ugh...I am off work now for a couple of days..and so very glad!!!!. Well, I have written a book...and still not touched on everything...but gotta go...I have a photo session in a few minutes...Hope everyone is having a wonderful week...Enjoy this sunshine....=) I sure am...


Nicole said...

Poor Cade...seems like he is always getting hurt!

I can't believe you didn't enjoy the tournament thing! I love it...as long as my kids are behaving anyway.

Hope you get some rest after working so much!

Anonymous said...

Ok..Hopefully I can remember everything I had to say...

1st...The quote from James on the field, sounds like the coach from "Facing the Giants"...What a Godly Man James is..and what is so uplifting..Many guys his age, forget where they come from, and don't put the Lord 1st..That I admire about him..Win or Lose it's still about the Lord...

2nd..Poor Cassie, Sleep Deprived, Girl GET SOME SLEEP! What a MOM! 7hrs in the hot sun, I admire your dedication to your family!

3rdly...Poor Cade..We will be praying that the hurt in his arm fades away for Good...& were glad it was not broked...

God is always GOOD, and always RIGHT ON TIME! Don't ya just love that...Glad ya'll had a great weekend...

Anonymous said...

We did really enjoy church this weekend and we are so thankful for being invited and we felt so welcome. I am also glad that Cade is doing well. Our God is an awesome God...always! I am sorry that you had to work but I am glad you worked with me!!!
I really love James' coaching philosophy and I really hate that we are missing out on that wonderful experience. He truly needs to follow his calling of being a teacher and a coach!!

Love ya,

AshNAlMom said...

Sorry about Cade's arm, We will be praying for s fast recovery.

Softball is winding down. I have surprisingly enjoyed it even with the heat. But I can't imangine being out there ALL day.

Catch some ZZZZZ's soon

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming over for a "stormy" cook out! I hope you guys had fun. We sure did! At least it stopped storming so the kids could swim! Thanks again! love you guys...Sorry you had to leave for work!
christy h.

~cassie~ said...

Thought I would make my stand on baseball clear...I LOVE it....The tournament was a lot of fun...but not in 97 degree temperatures....Ha ha ha...Our All-Star team is playing in another tournament this weekend...hopefully it won't be quite as hot....=)

BethAnne said...

I hate that your baby got hurt! I also hate all the ER's in our area. Scary!

We love baseball too. Actually my husband probably loves helping coach my sons team more than my son loves playing (and he really loves playing). These are really the best days of our lives. One day we will look back and remember all the fun we had at the ball field and we will miss our kids being young. I might cry. I think I need some sleep too.