Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to Lisa...

Today is my good friend, Lisa's birthday...I wanted to wish her a Happy One..I worked with Lisa at the hospital...and we were friends...but over the past 2 years...God has blessed me not only with one of the best co-workers ever...but a very special friend....Working nights shifts with someone....well, let's see...I think they get to see you at your best....hmmmm...maybe I should say your worst...Ha ha....We have had a great time at work...that's all I can say....James will always say to me..."who are you working with tonight? Must be Lisa, because you haven't once said you dread going in...." Is it that obivous? Hee hee....Here is a list of "night shift humor" that we have shared....Hope you enjoy this one...Lis....Love you..(and yes, I do realize this list will appear to be a little c-r-a-z-y to some of you.....) Just bear with me...or ignore it...

1. Green Velvet sleeps better...I am jealous.
2. Gargamel....the enemy.....Gotta love Papa Smurf ;)
3. The Brown Panther....dada dada dada dada dada....(you know the pink panther tune? I can't type it.....)
4. Nasty Pants Champ.....
5. Scaring me...ALL the time...I am easily scared...Lisa has figured this one out....Hmmm...Paybacks are coming....
6. Wheeze laughing....
7. I have a question......
8. Nebraska? I don't want to move there....EVER!
9. We are not in Kansas anymore....
10. Glenda the Good Witch....(can you see the Wizard of Oz theme here?)
11. Pajamas? Why Not?
12. The best Job ever...even if we like to complain about the "monotony" of certain things....

I know you are laughing Lisa....and thanks for all the good times we have shared...at work...and outside of work...You are a wonderful person...and I feel blessed to share a friendship with you....
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Lisa...
Happy Birthday to you....
Love you...=)


Anonymous said...

Please tell Lisa Happy Birthay for me!! Lisa, if you read the comments...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!

christy h.

Genny said...

What a sweet post for your friend!

Anonymous said...

Hahah, that's so funny! I understood almost all of those...Day Shift people don't ever understand graveyard lingo! Especially when you've already got SS......SILLY STUPID...from Lack of Sleep!

Anonymous said...

I am so greatful for such an awesome friend!! I feel so special to have a total blog day devoted to me! You were right when you said I was laughing when I read it-you are so funny. We do really have a great time at work. If we have to work might as well have fun.. right? God has truly blessed me with your friendship-you are awesome!!! I want to tell you I really love my gift-THANKS!

Love ya,