This morning, I had just gotten the kids on the bus, and came in to pick up the house, and clean up the kitchen...My normal morning routines...with the Today Show on in the background (of course!) It was about 10 minutes until 8, and the phone rang...It was James' work, so I answered it...(Yes, I am a screener-I will openly admit it) But to my surprise, it wasn't James-it was his boss....
" Is James there?" he asked..while I thought to myself..."What is going on?"
"No, he isn't...", I answered. "He left for work around (the time he always does) and dropped my son off at school...He should be there by now.."
"Well, he isn't," he said. "You may want to check on him."
"Ok," I said, as my heart was beating out of my chest. "Thanks"
I hung up the phone and couldn't even dial his cell phone number because my hands were shaking so much...Too many thoughts were going through my head...Has he wrecked? Was Ian with him? Is he over the bank somewhere and no one saw him? I was thinking all of this and dialing his phone at the same ring, another, another, my heart started beating faster and answer...his voice mail....
Right at that moment, the house phone rang again...It was James' boss again...
"I just thought I would call you and let you know that James is in (some sort of) training...I didn't know about...Just found out..Didn't want to worry you."
"Thanks so much...because you did." I said, as I hung up the phone...then I lost it...Broke down, crying, shaking. I couldn't even stand. My phone rings again..It was James.
"My boss said I should call you...that he scared you because I wasn't in the shop"....
"Scared me isn't the word..." I just cried on the phone...
There are many times in my warped mind of paranoia, that I have imagined that phone call...I can't hardly explain the way I felt this morning...not in words anyway...I wasn't even able to post about it until this evening...It just bothered me that much...I am thankful..for my husband..I know that I don't tell him often enough how much he means to me...but I am going to today...I love you honey. For all you do for our family...even though I may nag over "getting stuff done" such as a roof I still LOVE YOU....You are everything to me...and I just want you to know that today...No matter what...You are my life...

OMG! I couldn't imagine that call...Thankfully I ride with mine..and BTW we all NAG! hahaha...I think it's the only way things would get done!
I am so glad you didnt mention the roof! I think his boss should give him a day off for scaring you to death.
Oh, that's awful. I think about stuff like that, too. And I just hate that fear. Glad your hubby is fine! And that you are, too, after your meltdown.
I hate that you had a scare. I too think about that daily. I think as wives and women we just do. I can so relate to what you went through. It isn't fun. I have awakened in the morning's when kev is supposed to be home, but he's not home...i FREAK until I can get hold of him on the phone and make sure he is ok. We are so blessed!
love you!
Oh girl...I'm crying over here. I'm SOOOO glad that he was ok. That minute in time is so very scary. Hope today is a wonderful day!
I know that was so scary for you. About two months before Travis and I were married - I received a call from the police one Sunday moring. Travis was late picking me up for church and he tends to always push it when it comes to time - so I didn't think anything at first. The police told me he had been involved in a crash. Someone had pulled out in front of him and he tried to miss their vehicle but he hit them and flipped his truck several times. Mom and I left right away and headed to the hospital. I was so sick the whole way there. When I got there, I didn't even recognize him at first - his face was so swollen and bandaged. It was a miracle that he walked away from the wreck in one piece. He was badly bruised and had a few stiches - but overall he was just fine. His truck was demolished - but that was replaceable! I told him that he has always worked his angels overtime. I think he agrees. That was by far the scariest call I have ever received. I am thankful for God's amazing grace and the gift of my husband.
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