Hope everyone has had a great weekend. We did...It was just over way to quickly....
I know that I have mentioned on my blog for a few weeks now the possiblity of some changes coming up in the lives of our family....There have been many weeks of prayer and questioning God's will for my life....Sometimes God just makes the answers to our prayers so easy to see, but we just have to take a leap of faith and trust Him....with everything. James and I have been praying concerning my job. I work straight nights and have for almost 6 years now. Three years at the hospital, and now almost three years at the call center where I work. I truly feel blessed to have the job that I have. But I think the combination of night shifts, plus my schedule being so erratic have just gotten the best of me....I only work part time (24 hours a week) but I ususally only sleep 3-4 hours a day, and still take care of my three children, plus maintain a photography business, and the many other tasks of a mommy of three....I won't bore you with all of the details...I couldn't get them all written down in one post anyway....So, the point of all my rambling is ...God has been talking to me....He wants me to follow His will for my life...He wants me to spend quality time with my husband, and my children, He wants me to be the mother that he knows that I can be, but haven't because of feeling so lousy all of the time...So, I took a leap of faith, and decided to cut back at work. Yes. I said it. And I am smiling. For the first time. I have a tendency to be a worrier...and I was concerned about many things that could "happen" due to this desicion...but the only thing that I kept hearing-was that voice in my head, that simply said, over and over, "Trust Me." I got in the car on Friday, to come in and talk with my manager, and the song, "You Only have One Life to Love" (that I posted about in a previous post) started playing. I immediately began crying. I knew at that moment-I was doing the right thing. God works in amazing ways. So, I am going to be cutting back. We have a position available in our unit that is a non benefited, 'as needed' type of position. The requirements for this position are only 4 shifts per month plus I can pick the days that I can work. I also made the desicion to come off of night shifts....This is a big one...I have done this for years, and there is a significant pay cut taken when losing your night shift differential....But I have been feeling bad, having lots of headaches, ect. and I think this is the best thing for me to do....I talked with my manager and felt at peace with my desicion, and she was so positive, and was very understanding of my situation. So, I left the office and headed home...feeling as if a huge "burden" had been lifted....When I got home, James called me from work. He had an "opportunity" offered to him....His boss offered him a "schedule change"(temporarily) that would allow him to make more money(which makes up for my loss ;) and will allow him much more time at home....Can you believe that ? My God is so Good...He quickly let me know that I had made the right choice, by following Him...James news' just made me that much more positive that I had done the right thing. So, just wanted to let you guys know...God STILL answers prayers...because this week, He answered mine...
Congratulations to Yourself, and James...God is still in control, we always must remember that...
AS many cut-backs, lay-off's and people being terminated @ the plant...I started to worry, if I could get layed off, then I prayed, and had peace that if so, it was God's will, and he will provided...
BTW...Congrats on NO MORE NIGHT SHIFTS!!!!
I am so happy for your whole family about this. You will not regret it, despite whatever monetary temptations Satan tosses at you. The eternal value of your time with your family will outweigh all that. You go, girl!!
YAY!!!! I am so happy for you!!! You are a great mom whether you work nights or not, but this will allow you to devote more of your time to what God has really called you to --- your babies!! I am tickled pink for you guys and excited to see how God is going to frown your photography business....HE is good like that ya know. So, does this mean we get to go out to eat again soon???? I mean its not like you have a job or anything.... hahahhaha
Congratulations Cassie...that is awesome. You will be so blessed and definately will not regret.
Cassie-just read your post and I am so so happy for you! What a tough decision but obviously one that is totally the right thing to do. Things always have a way of working themselves out-esp when God is in control. Enjoy your 'new' lease on life!!!!
Sorry I am behind on my blog reading...I am happy for both of you! You will be much happier and your kids will most certainly benefit from the change!!! Love ya!
Congratulations to you and James, to you on the lightening of the job to improve your home life and to James on the new opportunity at his job!
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