We had such a good week together....James and I both were off together this week, and we had a blast spending time with the kids....That is one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving...is simply being together.....On Wednesday, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our good friends. We cooked enough food for an army...Turkey(our first one EVER), dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, green beans, fried apples, and rolls....Blueberry Creme pie for dessert, and Cushaw pie (like pumpkin). We enjoyed the time together, and actually had a great time cooking....The kids ate good, and had a blast together....Here are the guys carving the turkey....It was SO good!
Here Christy and I are posing with our meal...I know, we are silly....=)

Friday Morning...James and I were up at 430, and at Wal-mart by 450....Crazy? Maybe...But we had a great day...spending time shopping for the kids....just about got all of our shopping done, and got to have some quality time together...We are a great team...At Wal-mart, he went one way, and I another...and we got all the things we went to get...and didn't even get stressed because of the crowd...Smooth shopping...all day...=)
Today Macey and I met up with an old friend of mine...Christy Richardson...Her family is moving back to the area for a few months, and our girls are the same age....Macey and Jade met today and played for a few hours...Macey loved her...and can't wait to get to spend more time together...They will be moving here at Christmas....Christy took a picture of them...I will post it after she emails it to me....Then we came home to spend some time with the boys, and Daddy....
OMG! Im so glad someone else I know went Black Friday Shopping! It's so much FUN! My mom & I do this every year, and is so fun, when done with someone you love..Good Times, and Great Memories!!!!
I wish there was some way to stretch Thanksgiving week....goes by way too fast. I cant believe its almost over (and we are so worn out we need a vacation!) Great pictures.....
I always go shopping on Black Friday, but didn't this year due to me oversleeping. I am still fighting a bad cold and felt horrible and didn't hear the alarm. Sort of bummed out b/c I don't miss black Friday for nothing. ha
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving week!
I am so glad that you had a great week with your family. It was so funny that we see each other shopping first thing Friday morning. I too am very thankful for our friendship. God is great!!
Love ya,
The picture of K and J with the knives at the beginning... scary! :-) I love your mom's new kitchen. Glad you had the downtime with the family.
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