Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began...2 Timothy 1:9
We have been preparing and praying about our upcoming trip to New York City....There are so many things to do, lists to make, clothes to get, and planning to do...especially if you are OCD like me...=) I have been searching for an apartment, trying to get a few things together to do before we leave, ect. I know it is still a few months away, but I want this transition to be a smooth one...as smooth as possible anyway....
I read a devotion tonight concerning "Callbacks" and it really touched my heart...Macey just loves theater and modeling and over the course of this journey of hers...we have attended many auditions...Auditions require preparation, performance and then sitting and waiting on the "callback" to see if you got the part, ect.
During AMTC this summer-she competed the entire week all to gain "callbacks" with some of the well know agents that attended the convention....So, ultimately the goal is to get callbacks....We were blessed with three. God has had his hand in this journey from the very beginning...(for those of you who have read my blog for sometime-you know that) but I wanted to share this devotion that I read tonight with my fellow bloggy friends...
"Hopeful contestants waited in eager anticipation to see on which lists their name may be written. Jesus came to deliver God’s prisoners of hope, and He will not disappoint you. Yet, the world might.
Still, God loves His children in the here and now- not just in heaven. He delights in our joy. For those AMTC contestants who are following a calling God put on their lives, He will not disappoint you. While we may wish the fulfillment of our dreams today, right now, only God knows the right timing. According to His own purpose and grace, your calling will be perfectly fulfilled. God will surely reward your leap of faith.
Bright-eyed families come to see who we are and where they might fit into the entertainment industry. They put their talent on the line. AMTC Audition Teams must also issue callbacks. During that first crucial look, callbacks are based on our quick glimpse of your intelligence, goals, attitude, and ability. We do our best to choose those we believe are most ready for the AMTC experience. We are good at our jobs, but we are not perfect.
One who is perfect: God, and you are surely on His callback list. It the list that matters the most."
I read this tonight...and it really spoke to me...I mean, yes, we are so excited about the possibilities that are in front of Macey...and I know that God is in control of this situation...and I am placing it in his hands...but to KNOW that we are on God's "callback list"....that is amazing...and out of all the callbacks that we get in this journey...Knowing that we are on God's...is the ultimate...=)

I'm so darn impatient! It's nice for the reminder that it's not in my timing.
needed it!
love you,
Congratulations and good luck to Macy! Where in the city will you be staying? If you need any information about specific areas let me know, my husband is NYPD and if there are any areas he doesn't know about directly he can easily get information for you.
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