Last night was a crafty one around the Allen house....I have two kids who still needed valentines....(nothing like waiting until the last minute) I like to "make" them...I hate to get the store bought kind...Yes, I am one of those moms...I can't help it...I like to be different...So, Macey's favorite candy in the entire world is a Hershey we decided to share her fav candy with her class....What better idea than Hershey bar wrapper valentines? I had seen this on many different web sites, ect. where you can order them, or pay to print them...but with all of the scrapbooking supplies Macey and I have together....Surely-we can do this one ourselves....Well, of course, Cade wanted to jump on and make the same type for his class...but of course in a more "boy-ish" version.....So, earlier in the week, I had purchased 42 Hershey bars from the Dollar General....I bet the check out lady, thought I sure was hungry! You have no idea how difficult it is to be around so much chocolate when you are on the South Beach diet...I mean...seriously!!! But NO cheating happened...and I am proud to say I have lost a total of 10 pounds so far!! Coming off a little slowly, but hopefully that means it will stay off!!! Ok. that was a little tangent...Sorry...Anyway, Last night was our "project night..." putting it all together...James ended up working over, plus we had that added to our stuff to do....(Luckily we have teachers that give no homework on Wednesdays-a blessing for sure!) But we did it...and they look absolutely adorable!!! Macey actually did ALL of hers by herself....and Cade started out wanting to do the same, but after 2 or 3...He was over it...I did make him label all of them...because it IS for his friends....=) So, here (as you guessed) are a few pics of them....

Then this morning, Cade woke up with the stomach virus. My worst fear!!! He has been pretty sick this morning, but is doing much better now....Thank goodness...Now, I just hope that the rest of us don't get it....Off to a staff meeting at work...James is home to watch the little guy....Have a good day...
Cassie, I don't know where you get the time, energy and gumption to do all these great things with your kids. I'm one of those other types of moms... cookie cutter sameness going on here. If my kids get any kind of creativity, it's proof that it's a recessive gene.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. We are about to head to Walmart and I am very seriously thinking of tackling this idea with the kids tonight! I'll let you know. ;)
Those are super cute! And in 6 years, when everyone in this house is potty trained, not nursing and in school full time...I'll tackle it! Until then...they'll have to be happy with a store bought card and a laffy taffy. :\
Those are adorable! I am going to have to remember this when LP is older. I hope Cade is feeling better and no one else in the house gets it.
What a cute Idea! Lord I hope you didn't have to buy like 50 bars a child...that's pricey!
Cassie, you are the coolest mom! The Valentines are too cute. You are so creative and your ideas never cease to amaze me.
Very cute...I am either very lazy or a bad mom because I cringe at just having to buy and label the store bought ones! I was excited that this year Davis could do all of his on his own...I still had to assist Jett some on his...actually looking forward to middle school with this part is over with...(that is terrible huh???)
Love the valentines. What a great idea. You are sooooooooooo creative.
Cassie, These Valentines are too cute! You guys did a great job. Hope your Valentine's Day is great!
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