I have three days left where I work now...Sad? In a way...I have really good friends here...I enjoy my job....but God has another plan for me. He had burdened me over the past few months concerning this choice that I knew I needed to make...but took a while to obey Him....Boy, how AWESOME is it to see his hand working-after we "do as we were told"??? I turned in my resignation 2 weeks ago, and since then, have gotten our apartment in NYC, cheaper than expected, and a possibility of 2 or more job opportunities...WOW!! And to think, I was AFRAID to follow his will, because of the unknown...the uncertainty...I now know, that I need to just trust HIM completely...He is HERE!! Right beside me...All the time...We do not know what the road ahead has in store...none of us do...but one thing I have learned through all of this, is that with God-I can do anything....
When I got to work tonight, I had the following devotion placed in my box, by one of my sweet christian co-workers.....that has truly blessed me...Blessed me to the point of a blog post!! So I can share it with my blogging buddies....=)
Here it is....
"Some of us have know exactly how God was leading us either to become a missionary or to leave our present vocation for another. Yet we have argued, resisting the changes that obedience would bring. Or we have hung onto the sin that so easily entangles us.
A hundred excuses may be given for ignoring the claims of Christ. We can think of endless reasons why we might say no to God's persistent call on our lives. But behind the facade is a fundamental unwillingness to be disturbed, a determintaion that our foundations will not be shaken, a stubborn disposition that does not want God to rule our lives.
Often God brings us to a place where we have to leave the familiar for the unfamiliar; we have to be pushed out of our comfort zones and take a risk. God loves to lead his people places where they have never been before......
When the King of Kings call us to come beyond the boundaries of our safety zones, every excuse must vanish. Standing on holy ground, we cannot argue with the One whose promises are with us and whose Spirit indwells us.
When God closes in, we must let Him draw us nearer to His heart. Obedience opens the door to deepening our relationships with Him. Nothing will us get closer to God that being forced to walk in unfamiliar territory-Erwin Lutzer"
Father, forgive me for thinking that I know what is best for me. I trust You that You know all the days of my life already, and that You truly know what is best for me and what will bring glory to Yourself. I purpose to listen to Your call and act on it by faith. Amen.
That pretty much sums it up for me.
God Bless....

You know how happy i am for you! Great devotion! I knew the Lord would open doors for you and i can't wait to see where they lead you!
love you!
beautiful....just beautiful. Have been thinking of you. So glad the future is so bright!
I am so excited to see ho God works in this thing with Macey and with your job situation.....I know you guys are gonna give Him all the glory so it makes me want to root for you even more!
Me too Im with Bethanne...I can't wait to see God's path for you & Macey...Obviously details are in the works!
Will stay tuned for the details!
Good Luck IN NYC!!!!!
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