Friday, February 26, 2010

22 Days.....

I heard on the radio this morning that there is only 22 days until Spring...That makes me smile...I know, I know....just because the calendar says that it is Spring....doesn't mean that we will all of a sudden have "warm weather"....but just knowing that we can "officially" say it is Spring....means it won't be far away....and that makes Cassie one happy girl....

I don't blog much anymore, and having been making a small effort lately...but still not doing very well....I love to journal...and write things down...and have actually been doing more "writing" with a pen~than blogging....and thats ok...all journal entries aren't meant for blogs anyway...some need to be written on paper...with a really good pen...hee hee....A good pen is another thing that makes me smile...I will admit it...I am a dork....

Anyway...As we are coming up on Spring time...I was wanting to put a list on my blog of "Things that make me happy...."~even if they seem trivial~I just really need to write them down.... Seems like I have spent a lot of time complaining lately...Ask James...=) (not that we haven't had reason to...with a tree in my roof and all....I'm just sayin') This list is for, don't be thinking that I should be happy for things I've not listed...I am obviously blessed with my precious family, my husband and best friend, my church, and my salvation...These things ALWAYS make me happy...even in the middle of January when it is pouring the snow, and there is a tree in my roof...This list is the "non-obvious" things...that when they happen, I "smile" on the inside....

So, for what it's it is....

"My list of things~no matter how small~that make me happy"

1. When I am in the pick up line at school....and I see Macey and Cade walking to the car...holding hands and smiling...They love each other so much...
2. When Ian comes up to me, and hugs me, no matter who is standing around...He isn't embarrased....
3. When James calls and asks me if I want to meet him for lunch
4. No laundry to do
5. having 20 minutes in the afternoon while waiting on the kids in the car~ to read
6. the tanning bed....I know, I know...but it does
7. the beach in general....I have actually gotten to the beach before, and my eyes filled up with is a place of complete peacefulness to me...I just can't even explain it....but James understands, and even that makes me happy...=)
8. To be married to my best friend....I always hear people complaining over their husbands, and I guess I do my share fair...but he is the Best...and I know I don't tell him that enough....
9. When Cade wants to hold my hand...and feeling that small little hand, that is already so much bigger than it used to mine....
10. When Macey asks my opinion on something that is important to her....She is very independant....but knowing that she still needs my opinion...makes me smile....
11. Ian's face when he won his wrestling match yesterday....He has been really down on himself lately...struggling with some things related to school work, ect. He did awesome...and God knew he needed a little "self esteem" boost...and BLESSED him with a win yesterday....
12. Sunshine....When I see the sun trying to shine behind those gray clouds...beautiful...
13. Christian Friends...I am truly blessed with some of the best friends ever...James and I both...
14. This is a little more "materialistic"...but chap stick...couldn't live without it...
15. Getting ready to start a weight loss class with James...Love that we are doing this together...
16. NYC...loved spending time there with Macey...She sometimes gets left out with all of the sporting events ect we have to our time there was sacred....Girl time is a MUST
17. I am a "gadget girl" love my laptop, my blackberry, Ipod get the picture....
18. flip flops....with a good pedicure....always makes me smile....
19. my tattoo....every time I see it...I smile...
20. Cade's artwork...He def is a little artist...I love to hear his voice, explaining what he has drawn....and to see the details in his pictures...always amazes me....

that's it for now...because there are other things that need to be done around here...but just needed to do that...the list is much longer...may finish it later...have a blessed day...and enjoy the sunshine!!!!!

1 comment:

Tanja said...

I hear ya on the Chapstick... but my love is Carmex instead. Great list. And a perfect time to do it, too.