We had some really great seafood at Crabby Mike's. . I almost had a stroke over the ticket though!! $107.00 !!!! It was worth it though--Ian loved the crab legs--and so did Kevin! We went to Broadway at the Beach one evening, went to see Ratatoullie, Nascar Speedpark, and Kirk's Ice Cream Parlor. . .Just a few of the highlights of our trip. . .
When I vacation, I journal in a Vacation journal. . .how convenient. . . . hmmm??? Anyway. . I always jot down things in the journal and here are a few of the things I put down. . This blogging thing is new to me. . I have always written things down, just never on the computer. . : )
-Grocery Shopping at Wal-mart with "Our List"
-The very high 12th floor balcony
-The boys and me saying "Hubba Hubba--Eh?" ( Like the Holt's Grandpa)
-Our "AWESOME" Photo Shoot
-Cade and Walker playing football with the Big Boys--Too cute!!
-Staying up talking until the wee hours of the morning
-Ratatoullie (Digital)
-Dropping Cade's brand new MP3 player into the swimming pool!! Believe it or not, Thanks to Kevin's advise about drying it out in the car--working good as new. . .
-RJ--Cade's rubber frog he bought
-Talking with the Boston accent
-Kevin sunscreening his tattoo--doesn't want it to fade
-"Do I look red?"
-Mysterious pizza coupons keep appearing in our door--Christy says" Stop it!!!!!"
-Cade and Walker loved Nascar Speedpark--Too cute
-Ice Cream at Kirk's
-Macey scraping her nose on the bottom of the pool! Ouch!
-We had a blast and hated to have go home so soon!
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