Today was Cade's very first soccer practice...He had so much fun...He is going to take after his brother, Ian when it comes to sports....100%!!!! He ran so hard and played awesome considering that he has never played an organized sport before....The coach asked me if he had ever played, and I told him "No, he knows nothing about the game except what he has seen while Ian and Macey have been playing..." Well, the practice continued and they scrimmaged the team practicing at the other end of the field...and who do you think scored the first goal? You guessed it...Cade Allen...the soccer player!!!! We were so proud of him....He was smiling from one ear to the other when he scored the goal...and the coach ran up and gave him five...He thought he was big stuff!!! and he was!!! The coach came up to James and I after practice and said, "He may have never played the game before, but he must have watched lots of games because he is GOOD!" and one of the other moms said, "He played awesome!" So we left our first practice, with Cade thinking he is going to be a super star soccer player.....and his parents felt the same way...It is hard for me to look at these pictures of my baby...I can't hardly believe that he is playing soccer....Time flies...Here are a few pictures from tonight..I think he is adorable...but I am a little partial...=)

Loved this shot....I had my zoom lens on..He was across the field...loved how he is focused on what the coach is saying....He listened really well....

He was ready for the was coming down the field towards him....too cute....He is actually on the red team, but he wanted to wear Macey's old shirt to he did...We will get his red shirt this week....Let's head out to work...Have a good night...
I can't wait till soccer starts! We have another few weeks. Hopefully everything dries up by then!
thanks for your comment last week. Boy I could learn a bit from you on taking photos.
You're right he is too cute. They are so funny at that age. It is so precious to watch them learn and grow, but I wish I could keep mine little for another 10 years or so.
Cade is adorable. I love every picture you took of him. So cute.
He's a natural, just like the rest of your kids! Go Cade! Love you guys!
christy h.
I adore this! He is amazing! Soccer's my game! Go CADE!
I am so glad we will be seeing you now at the soccer fields. I saw you and Ian and Macey for a second but then I turned around and you were gone and I never saw where you went! I can't wait until we play you so I can see little Cade play!!! Love ya!
okay, i just have to know exactly which camera that you own! please share...
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