We took the kid's to see Dr. Suess, Horton hears a Who today...

considering it is Spring Break and SNOWING outside!! Can you believe that? Anyway, we had told them for a while that we would take them to see it, and what better day than today....I loved the movie...very cute, with a very good point...My favorite line from the movie....."
A person's a person, no matter how small.." Be sure to check it out...Great family movie....We gave it 5 stars =)
I'm going with Lake's class on Friday. Glad to hear it's good.
Sorry about the rodent in your house. We had one in an upstairs closet last year and it ate all my fall decorations - I was mad!!
LP Dad wants to take Lilypad Princess for her first movie soon. I was wondering how this was but didn't know anyone who had seen it yet. Maybe I'll have him take her to this since it's good!
Oh I can't wait to take J, once he is better. Glad to hear it is a success.
Dr. Seuss is classic; after seeing Horton Hears a Who i was reminded how much that guy can pack into a simple storyline...
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