Are you ready?
This is creative (not).....
I am "V"ery tired....I am "V"ery ready for James to come home....I am "V"ery ready for "Vacation"!!!!!! Wow, if you had been sitting here next to me and my laptop-you would have observed the expression on my face!! I was, and I do say WAS going to let the letter "V" stand for Very...but as I was typing.....VACATION!!!!!!! starts with "V"...Yeah...I love a good vacation...but it must involve sand, surf, sun and lots of it....We are going to be visiting the coastal area 2 times this summer and I cannot wait!!! Tybee Island is one of the places we will be vacationing to...I love lighthouses, and we have never been to this one before...So should be fun...
But I still am "V"ery tired of all the overtime....I don't want to be a single mom....I miss you honey....

Came across your blog while looking at your photography site. You will love Tybee Island and the lighthouse. It is great. Mike and I used to go there a lot when we lived in Georgia. It is a neat place to visit.
You know I feel your pain. But you actually have it worse, and I am well aware of that. My single-parenting is for a few days, a week at the most, here and there. Yours comes in spurts on a continual basis. I admire the way you and James make it work. And don't say that it doesn't work just because you get frustrated. That's understandable. It works... because you guys are committed to each other. Bruce will be home in a couple hours. Listen closely and you'll hear me screaming for joy. Not a minute too soon either, because the cupboards are bare, and I'd need a straight-jacket if I had to take all three munchkins to Wal-mart for any length of time.
Thanks Tanja for the positive always say the right thing....I just get very tired sometimes...just need a break...maybe Walmart would be good for me...alone...I think I can hear you...rejoicing..that Bruce is home...Enjoy!! good night...
Well you know I certainly feel your pain...I don't work nights but after working 40 hours every week and then having to run the kids to all their practices by myself all week long and on the weekends...I stay exhausted!! This weekend Duffer not only worked OT Friday and Saturday but Sunday as well...reason no one sees us anymore. I am not as strong as you are...where Rylee is still so demanding I just can't get us all to church without Duffer!! I admire you being able to do it on your own because I am still working on that! You know I have always looked up to you and if only I could be a little more like you I would be a better person!! :o) Love ya!
Nicole, you are so sweet..but you do have to remember that my kids are older than yours...which does make it a little easier...James used to work weekends ALL the time, so I have had quite a bit of practice, I guess...Stilll doesn't mean I like it...=( I couldn't do it without God's help...I say a prayer every morning for him to help me through the day...The kids and I have made a tradition of praying on our way to school...I still have "rough" times, but I know "with God all things are possible." I'll say a prayer for you...Love you..
i have enjoyed reading your abc challenge. i was going to do it but then i decided to use my first two thursday thirteens to cover all of the abc's. i had trouble with v also. :-)
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