Grocery Shopping....
I just simply type the words and the dread fills my soul....It is such a chore for me...I despise it...but my husband and the 3 little people do have to eat...so it must happen...I guess...I just don't have to like it...
We get groceries to last for 2 weeks....I would love to be able to shop at Sam's or Cosco, and "stock up" but our cabinet space just doesn't allow it...Hopefully someday, but for now, I have to stick with the bi-weekly trip....It happens Thursday...and I am dreading it already, because I know we are out of everything....You know the trip I am talking about...not only do you need food, but you need detergent, toothpaste, razors(boy are those things expensive!), paper towels...the list goes on and on....The reason I decided to write about this "dreaded chore" is I was sharing with the cashier (Gary, My star cashier-He always has a smile!) at Wal-mart during my last grocery run...how many times my groceries are actually handled by me, before they get safely placed inside my cabinets at the Allen's household....It is ridiculous....Here is a small little scenario of my grocery shopping trip...do remember that I am a self diagnosed OCD patient, so there are a few little "strange" things I do at the grocery store...Just bear with me...
I always start with a list...a list that is written from the back of the store to the front...at home before I leave...Milk, eggs, yogurt, ect...you get the picture...When I shop, I like to start at the back of the store, and finish at the front...Just makes me happy...=) So follow me, 1. You take the item off the shelf, and place it in your buggy...When you get to the checkout counter, 2. you take it out of the buggy, and place it on the counter to be rung up...After it is rung up, 3. you take the now bagged item off the "spinney bag dispenser", and place it BACK into your buggy....Once all of the groceries are totaled and paid for (with cash, out of our Food budget, FPU friends...) Once again, you have to 4. remove the bag out of the buggy, and attempt to find a place among all of the baseball bags, and soccer stuff in the back of the van...never fun...(I have to get the back of the van cleaned out....Adding that to my list as I type..) Once everything is in the van...drive home...and STILL AGAIN....have to 5. remove the bags from the car and carry as many bags as I can possibly carry on my arm....so not to have so many trips...into the kitchen....Lastly, 6. the items are removed from the bags, and then placed in their own little spots...Have you ever thought about that? We handle our groceries 6 times before we ever get them home into our cabinets and pantries....Amazing.....No wonder I hate grocery shopping....Just something to think about...thought I would share...2 more days...and then it is that time again....

Thanks for the encouragement!!! Now I don't want to go! Ha! I guess you could think of it as weight training!
I think my biggest issue with grocery shopping is feeling like a failure because I can't be as frugal as I want to be. Then the other day I thought, what's up with me...I am still being just as frugal as I have always been...it's the extreme rise in prices I'm having to contend with and still feed my family with wholesome healthy food. So, hopefully I'll go with a better attitude next time!
Just count all the reps from lifting and make the extra trips from your van to the house and call it your cardio for the day. That alone should make you smile.
Hilarious! I have thought about that! never thought anyone else had though. LOL! I take it a little further. When i place them in their own little place in the cabinets, they have to be facing forward and straight so that i can see what it is and everything that is the same has to be togehter. How crazy is that. i do that in the buggy too. it drives kevin nuts! i guess i do have a touch of OCD.
christy h.
I need to go badly as well, but Bruce gets paid Friday. And as he said last night, we have blown our budget this two-week period, so I have to wait. I actually thanked Bruce's mom last night for giving my kids fresh grapes because they've been asking me for them for about a week now, and I just keep on opening another can of fruit cocktail instead.
Well, it could be a little worse and you could have to lug those heavy (ridiculously overloaded) loaded of groceries across a parking lot and up the steep steps that lead to my apartment! I DETEST grocery shopping here!
Also...it's funny because I just posted today about scrapping the barrels of my cabinets to find something for supper last night...
I just thought I would let you know that cabinet space does not mean you cannot grocery shop at Sams - we went there last night - spent $239.78 and the floor beside our cabinets in the kitchen is full. I know its sad, but I find that groceries last much longer when bought in bulk (so does toilet paper and paper towels etc). It aint pretty, but its functional. ;-)
I also go from the back of the store to the front because of the frozen items, but when you put them on the roller-thingy, do you put all the frozen stuff together, fridge stuff together, and then cabinet stuff together? I do! It's easier for when you get home to unbag. My husband rolls his eyes at that one. Oh, I like your name game, I'm going to do it too.
I grocery shop at Walmart for the most part. Although I always get my meat @ Food City...it's fresh. Walmart's meat is prepackaged and shipped to the store. YUCK! Don't even get me started on that.
When I make my list...I list everything in categories. Health/Beauty...Dairy....Produce..etc. I also have a column that I put my comparision shopping prices in. So I won't forget about those when I get to the register...very important! It makes it so much easier. I also always load my comparision items first at the register...out of courtesy to the cashier. I'm nice like that. I think they appreciate it too! Actually they have told me they do.
I always begin in Health/Beauty and then go to food. Then from the back to the front...so the frozen items will not go bad. Also...when I'm finished, I'm up front at the registers where I should be.
Yep...it's crazy that we handle the groceries so many times. I miss the bag boys at grocery stores...that pushed your cart out to the car for ya...then unloaded them. If we still had those sweet fellers it would cut my handling time down ALOT. Because when I get home I have three more sets of helping hands to help me.
I like to come home and get our cabinets/refrigerator/freezer restocked and then the house is full of food.
It makes me happy. I hate to get low on stuff. It bugs me!
Basically....grocery shopping is an art!!
This was great! I just had that same dreaded shopping trip on Tues with all three kids-no kidding an hour and a half in WalMart and actually it went better than normal-given Landon was covered in animal crackers-you know the gooey nasty mess from his hair to his shoes, Mattie was twirling princess style in the isles, while Carson put who knew what into the buggy (until I got home of course), but you know what was the bad part? The nosy lady who stopped and said to me at the end-"boy I sure wouldn't want to be you today!" seriously-I will admit that I wanted to kick her hard in the shins! I thought we were doing good too! Oh well-we'll just do it again in 2 more weeks! Miss you guys so much! Have fun on your game night tonight-would love to be there!!
I think you need help.
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