Yes, you read that right...My lawn mower is torn up...We called to get it serviced on Friday, no one has called yet...That is so aggravating...but, why not enjoy the vast amount of dandelions that we have in our lower yard....=)
I did borrow my dad's push mower yesterday, and got 90% of the yard finished...I saved the worst part for last, and then ran out of gas, and James is going to finish it when he gets home....We have about an acre, and it is all hillside....not easy pushmowing, but good sun, and great exercise...I am sore today...believe me....
I had visitied a website the other day where a photographer did some shots with, I thought I would give it a shot...Cade was my model...who else???
Why do they call them redbud trees when they clearly look purple???
good question Nicole...I have no idea....
I have the answer... the tree was named by a man. Before he discovered he was colorblind!
I love the one of Cade blowing the dandelions. Sweet!
Pictures are much more fun than mowing anyway......
AWESOME Pix Cassie!! WOW! That little guy is simply the cutest!!
Cade is adorable. The second shot with the tree is beautiful.
I hope that you are able to get the lawnmower fixed soon!
Those are wonderful pictures! Frameable for sure. Your son is so adorable! I'm assuming those pics were taken of the last 10% of your lawn?!
Brenda :)
You got it Brenda...That is the one little section that I didn't get to....But it has only been 2 days...and those crazy dandelions are back again!!!!
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