Tonight we had a social for our Sunday School class (YMCA 2-Young Married Couples in Action). James is the teacher for our class, so we try and plan some get togethers...We haven't had anything in a while, so we decided to have a Game night tonight...We had one last year that was a big hit, so why not again?
We had a great time...We played Win, Lose or Draw...which was a blast...Everyone wants to do it again sometime....We had some serious "laugh until you have to pee moments" tonight....We borrowed a dry erase board from the church and propped it up on our entertainment center..which worked really well...Everyone ate, and then the games began...Here are a few pictures from the night....Here is James explaining the "rules"....

This one is a collage of some of the game...We laughed until we cried!! Our Sunday School class is like our extended family....You guys are so special to James and I...Thanks for a great time tonight...We love you all....

Here is Sarah's version of a calendar...That was only one of the funny ones...a few more that created some laughter in the room was Christy drawing a blister...Kevin drawing Phantom of the Opera...Daniel's "The One Armed Man", Tanja's questionable word during the speed round.....I won't put it on here, but it was hilarious!!! Bruce got the word NOSE!!! Are you kidding me? We had some hard ones, and he lucks up and gets NOSE???? There were so many, I can't remember them all....I took quite a few more pictures, but didn't want to bore you guys with them...If any of you all that were here want to see them all, I will email them to you....

Christian Fellowship is one of the best blessings...I am so grateful for the friendships that I have with these special people....For those of you who were planning on coming, and didn't make it-We missed you!! Hope everyone has a great weekend...Ours is going to be a busy one...We have 2 soccer games, baseball, and grocery shopping to do tomorrow....Good night...
Every time I think of you, I thank my God.And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy.Philippians 1:3, 4

Sounds like a wonderful time. I love getting together with friends for good, clean fun!
Have a great weekend.
Brenda :)
That looked like SOOOOO much fun!!! We are looking for a church that has people of our own age...AS I said before..My daddy's church doesn't have people our age, since it's centered in "ELDERLY FACILITY" we continue to pray that God will send us where he want's us...Glad ya'll had a great time...
Looks like everyone had fun just like last year. Sorry we couldn't come, Duffer really wanted to go to the he'd be confident about me going by myself today and because any reason to see sports trumps almost anything I want to do! ;-)
See you in the morning!
Allison, You guys are more than welcome to visit with us anytime...Just let me know when!! We do have a great time together...Christian Fellowship is the best kind!! Have a great weekend....
this looks like wonderful fun. i wish we had a group like this. =)
Oh, yay! A better picture of me than last year. Nothing to blackmail me with this time. :-) Please pass on the pix if you have time. C'mon, Cassie. Tell the people... I drew... something that looked like doughnuts. And guess who figured out what it actually was? Cassie of course!
Kevin and I had a great time! Cant wait until the next social! pass on the pics when you get a chance. thanks!
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