1. He always has a smile....
2. He is so loving...He loves his "Bubby and Sis" so very much....
3. He is a clown....always being silly, and trying to make us laugh....
4. He is so tenderhearted...Cares for others so very much....
5. A wonderful Helper....always willing to help us out around the house....
6. He loves school...He loves to read (and can read some books already!)
7. Loves Football, baseball, and soccer....must be a boy in the Allen family!!!
8. Loves his Mamaw and Papaw so very much!!! They spoil him Rotten!!
9. Loves to play on the computer...Webkins especially.....
7. Loves Football, baseball, and soccer....must be a boy in the Allen family!!!
8. Loves his Mamaw and Papaw so very much!!! They spoil him Rotten!!
9. Loves to play on the computer...Webkins especially.....
10. His favorite color is green
11. He loves to watch Wonderpets....
12. His favorite movie (as of right not) is Kung Fu Panda
13. He loves chocolate poptarts
14. He loves to "be like his brother"....copies him all the time
15. He loves to ride in Daddy's truck
16.He loves chicken nuggets and apples
17. Millie, our cat, is his little baby...he carries her around, and loves on her all the time.
18. He loves to sleep with James and I....whenever he can....he is a cuddler =)
19. He is so exited about his birthday this year.....
20. He is my Baby....and I love him so much....
Happy 5th Birthday Cade!!

They grow up, right before your eyes! Happy Birthday Cade!
I am right there with you... I cannot believe he is five years old!!! The picts you posted are too cute...so is Cade's personality. Of course my whole family thinks he is a hoot to hang out with. He is sooo smart and artisticly talented... look out kindergarten here he comes!!
Love ya,
christy h
Happy Birthday CADE!!! My friend, Jessica is having her 3rd boy this morning also so they will share birthdays.
Happy Birthday Cade!
I wonder how I feel when my "baby" is 5 years old. When that is the youngest age to contend with, in the home. It will feel too strange! :)
What a precious boy you are blessed with. Happy Birthday Cade.
Travis, Diana & Brayden
So cute! Spencer's favorite color is green, too. What's up with that?
Check my blog on Friday. You'll be mentioned. But I'm still working on it... around all the packing and getting ready for vacation.
Missed you last night!
He is too cute. I am loving the pic of him in his uniform!
We love you Little Man!
Tommy, Jayme, Allie, And Ashley
He is such a handsome fella... I love the picture with his name in the corner.
Found your blog bouncing from one blog to another. I wanted to say hello and mention that our son also was born on June 25th 5 years ago also. :) And his name is Kaden. Wow~How cool is that to see they share the same birthday. Your son is adorable!
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