Well, it has been a while since I have posted....We are just enjoying our summer so much...I just can't seem to find the time to blog....So, once again, better late than never....=)
Saturday, we celebrated Mr. Cade's 5th Birthday, at a local theater in our area....and watched Kung Fu Panda!!! Cade was so excited over his birthday party....that he actually wanted to go to bed early on Friday night...so it would get here 'quicker'....He had a blast at his party...and was so excited to get to see his friends...and to share his birthday with them....We had cookie cake, popcorn and loads of fun....Here are a few pictures from his special day....

Here is Cade cheesing with some of his best buddies....Campbell, Marcus(His Best friend from school), Cade, Spencer, Max, and Mason......

I was cracking up over this picture....Kevin is giving Cade a birthday spanking...Cade was laughing uncontrollably.....

Kevin and Christy got Cade this Batman mask....I love this shot....He has been playing Batman a lot since Saturday!!!!

an arial shot...ha ha...James stood on the chair and took this picture of Cade's friends with him...after he opened all of his awesome gifts......

Cade's friends, Jett and Blake came by after the party...but just in time for the movie....Cade was so happy to see them.......

It is Kung Fu Panda time!!!! All of the kids from the party almost took up and entire row....the movie was so cute...and the kids loved it!!!

Macey and Landon sat on the very front row, and Macey's friend, Jordan sat on the back row...they were comparing seats...to see which one was a better view.....too much....

James and I with our birthday boy....Thanks Kevin for taking this picture....Great job!!!!
Cade, Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that you were so tiny, and I could just hold you in my arms....and now you are growing up...getting ready to start Kindergarten...Mommy and Daddy are so very proud of you...and the little man that you have become....You will always be my baby...and I love you so very much...I hope that you had a wonderful birthday....I love you Little Man....
I am so with you - this summer is so busy, who has time to blog?
Happy Birthday to your sweet little man!
Happy Birthday!
That looked like so much fun!
I am so glad he had a great bday party! We really liked the movie too! thanks so much for letting be part of your WONDERFUL children's lives! We love you guys and value your friendship....don't know what i'd do without you! God knew what he was doing when he brought our families together!
love you,
christy h
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