Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Give Me Your Eyes

Driving home from work this morning, I heard the song, "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath. It really hit me. I have been burdened for someone that I know, who is hurting. Not a topic up for blogging. (I do think there are subjects in which you don't go on a blog...and this being one of them.) But this personal situation, has had me praying for someone. Intensely. On my knees. Daily. God is there. Listening. Last night, I heard him. It is so amazing to feel His presence, if only through the words that someone else speaks. I know this may not make much sense, but I felt led to put it down in words. When we go to God, he will answer us. His answers may not be the answers that we want. But he knows what is best. For each of us. There are so many people that we come in contact with on a daily basis that are hurting, and need comforting. Praying for this situation, has not only been helpful to the person I am praying for, but it has done so much for me. This song is amazing. We all need to say this prayer...Lord, Give Me Your Eyes. '>http://

Give me your eyes for just one second

Give me your eyes so I can see

Everything that I keep missing

Give me your love for humanity

Give me your arms for the broken hearted

The ones that are far beyond my reach

Give me your heart for the once forgotten

Give me your eyes so I can see.

"Lord, I want to thank you personally for "giving me your eyes" during this time. Thank you for giving me the words to say. For knowing what I needed, and for showing me the direction to go. Thank you for helping me to realize that sometimes, all we need to do in life, is "Give our eyes, hearts, and minds to you". You know the path you have chosen for each of us. Thank you for guiding me. I love you."


Anonymous said...

cassie, thanks so much for sharing this. i have heard this song a lot. but today, i needed to hear it. there is soo much I don't see...or choose not to see. I want to see all of it and with God as my guide I pray that i will start seeing the hurting hearts, people in need and everything i have closed myself off to. How selfish of me! I am ashamed! I will continue to pray for your friend!
love you,

Anonymous said...

That just goes to show..The old quote " Be nicer than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"...Our God is Good...