I honestly can't believe the weekend is over...I guess the saying is true that time does fly when you are having fun....We started our weekend out with Macey's birthday party...She had a Scrapbooking Slumber party.
Ian before he left for the football game....handsome guy : )
Me and my girl....(Her actual birthday is the 27th-will do a birthday post for her then)
Loving on her Daddy....
Singing Happy Birthday...You can tell James is singing...Hilarious pic..honey..=)
We let Macey open her gifts before the Scrapbooking began....
The party was a big hit...The girls had a blast creating...I took some pics of all the girls together when they first got here...and James ran them to Wal-mart and printed them off...While he was doing that the girls ate pizza, and talked and giggled. Cade volunteered to pray for his sissy and for the food....love this pic...I have been using a few new ps tricks...Made this "mask" to make this pic look 'old'..
They were the best behaved girls!!! I am not kidding when I say that...I was sort of dreading having 10 girls over ALL night...but I was pleasantly surprised...Everyone got along, and they seemed to love the things we had planned for them to do...Scrapbooking was a bigger hit that I could have ever imagined....
The girls sat at the table and worked on their projects for about 2 1/2-3 hours....
once everyone's page was finished...I placed their page in a frame and we took pics of all the "Masterpieces"...
Macey and her friend, Kendall...posing for me..(I took pics of all the girls-but don't want to bore you by posting all of those pics too-I probably am boring you already...)
PJ time, and then everyone was ready to get started on their friendship bracelets(weaving thread together-I did this in middle school-too fun-I am wearing the bracelet I made as I type this =)
The girls made bracelets, told scary stories, and played truth or dare....Jayme(a good friend of mine) stayed over to help me out...and she and I enjoyed 'playing' with the girls too...I even went with a few of them on their dare to go to the mailbox in the dark....S-C-A-R-Y!!! Hee hee....I laughed my head off...Off to bed at 2:30am...then up for chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast...James loves to cook breakfast, so he took on this job...He made pancakes for all the girls, then he and the boys were off to the first football game of the day....Girls were all picked up by 9...then our busy day was off....

I want to thank Emily (love you!) for helping me out with the party...The girls just loved you...and I am glad to know that I have created a fellow scrapbooker....You and me will have to hit the Scrapbooking Superstore in Pigeon Forge...I see a girls day coming on!!!! 

I also want to thank Jayme for helping me too...James and Ian went to DB's (our local high school) football game, and so I couldn't have done it without you...Thanks friend...This pic is of Jayme making her self a "scrapped" bookmark...Desicions...Desicions..Desicions...

Well, I was going to post about the boys football games too..but the phone just rang...and it was the school...Yes, the dreaded call...but it wasn't bad...It was Miss Mace...She forgot her glasses...So, gotta go, and take them to her....
How 'bout them Cowboys!!! Woohoo.....too bad about them Vols though.
I cant believe all you did for that party - that is just plain fun! I love that you put all their creations in frames for them.....what a fun mom you are.
What a fun par-tay! I commend you on your efforts of handling 10 girls, that just goes to show you could have 7 more of your own! Hahaha! Those we're fun pictures..and Good Times..Enjoy them all, before long they'll be grown and out on their new walk of life!
Looks like fun...you know anything to do with scrapbooking I am all about!!
How absolutely cute is that????
You are one fantastic momma with all that going on for that party!
Have a great day!
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