A. attached or single? married to James, my high school sweetheart {heart}
B. Best friend? my honey, of course =)
C. Cake or pie? birthday cake-with buttercream icing, yummy
D. Day of choice? whatever day that I am not working
E. Essential item? laptop, cell phone, my van-always on the go
F. Favorite color? chocolate brown
G. Gummy bears or worms? not a gummy fan.period.
H. Hometown? Kingsport
I. Favorite indulgence? right now. candy corn =)
J. January or July? July-my birthday, summer, tan time
K. Kids? Yes, 3...Ian, Macey and Cade
L. Life isn't complete without my? my family
M. Marriage date? August 20
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister
O. Oranges or apples? apples
P. Phobias? small spaces, crowds
Q. Quotes? "Whatever!"
R. Reason to smile? My trip to NY was a huge success...and we are going back in June!
S. Season of choice? Summer and Fall
T. Tag 5 people. Whoever wants to =)
U. Unknown fact about me? I am OCD...not unknown to everyone...=)
V. Vegetable? corn on the cob
W. Worst habit? nail biting
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Not sure what you want here?
Y. favorite foods? Japanese
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer
7 things I plan to do before I die: 1. Swim with Dolphins. 2. Be debt free 3. Go to Hawaii 4. lose weight ;) 5. see my children get married 6. Get a Roof (I couldn't resist that one) 7. travel the world with my honey....
7 things I can do: 1. Organize 2. Scrapbook 3. Blog 4. Photography 5. Craft 6. type(very good typing skills) 7. Draw
7 things I cannot do: 1. swim in a lake (too nasty) 2. tolerate annoying people 3. weed eat 4. Do a flip in the pool without holding my nose 5. put a roof on my house 6. change a tire 7. Keep up with all our laundry..
7 things I say most often: I say so much...I can't even think of seven....
7 celebrity crushes: Nicholas Cage, Kirk Cameron, Bob the trainer, from The Biggest Loser...Love him!! Matt Lauer...=)

My favorite vegetable? Candy Corn
Laundry? Couldnt do it all if I really tried - not that I have ever really tried
Kirk Cameron --- still as cute as the poster on my wall from 7th grade! I Heart him.
You know, after seeing Fireproof, I'm crushing on Kirk Cameron, too. But I feel guilty about it. Because he is such a great Christian guy and has a strong marriage. I think I need to limit my crushes to single guys. But then they are young. Way young. And I feel like a dirty old woman. Think I'll just stick with my honey. He's mine, so he's guilt free... kind of like fat-free ice cream.
I think I knew most of these things about you but I had no idea your favorite food was Japanese. We will have to go to Moto's and split a sesame chicken!! Yum...!
Love ya,
So, you can't "weed eat"... I read that and I cracked up. I totally say the same thing, but I don't ever think I have seen it written. Hmmmm..... So, If you complete the task of "weed eating" Have you "weed ate"?
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