This morning we were up by 4...Yes, you read that one correctly...4am...Our plan was to be in Rockefellar Center by 6am...and we ended up arriving by 6:30 or so...for the "Today" show...Yippee!!! Here is a picture of Ian and Macey holding the sign that we made for tv..."Celebrating Macey's 9th Birthday in NYC!!!"

This was the one thing that I wanted to do while we were in New York...and we got to this morning...Here I am...=)

It was freezing this morning too...We all had to wear coats, and long sleeves...and we still froze to death...but it was worth it because we got to see lots of stars...and for those of you who were watching tv this am, (I got your text messages!!!) You got to see us on tv...=) Here is a shot of the plaza....

Jeff Gordon (Sorry, Nicole, and Jayme) was on the show today revealing his new race car....

Anne Currie came over and talked to the kids...She was wishing Macey a Happy Birthday in this picture...We had so much fun this morning...One of the highlights of our trip!!!! ( See Jeff Gordon in the background)

Al Roker...shaking our hand...

I was so excited over Matt...that this pic is blurry...I got a bunch of photos of him...but this was the one where he was walking over to us...I actually got to shake his hand...All of them were so nice...and talked with us and with the kids...

Here they are doing the Jeff Gordon was so cool to see what goes on behind the scenes during the show...

This was Macey right after we were on tv!! She was so excited....We all got free t-shirts, bracelets, and badges about reading for children....

Jessee McCartney walked by us...See the Corduroy book in his hand????

That is the same book that is now in Cade's hand...He gave it to Cade and Macey as he walked by to leave the set....WOW!!!!!! Macey was estatic!!!

LL Cool J was there to read to the children...Here is a pic of him waving at us...

Greg Kinnear was also there reading to the children...Too cool...

I have a lot more pics...but it is late, and we have to get in bed, so we can drive home I will just label this post, as Day Four, Part One...Hope everyone is having a great week....Love and miss everyone back home....Good night.... AMTC is awesome!
I know you are having a BLAST!!!! I am so happy for all of you all. This is going to open so many doors for her. With the Lord guiding you, you know nothing but good will come from this. TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY! Have fun and be safe. I'm thinking of yall and praying for you a safe return home.
Well Duffer certainly would have been happy! That is so cool you got to do all that stuff and see so many people. Have a safe trip home!
We all sat and watched you guys here in the office. Everything came to a stand still while you guys were on! We were all so excited for you! How awesome was it to get to see all of those stars! Can't wait to see you guys and have a great weekend!!
Love you and miss you bunches!
That is just awesome for you all. I have to admit Jeff Gordan didn't thrill me all that much (YUCK!), the girls went crazy over Jesse. I however did get Jealous over LL.... I have always loved him. Continue to enjoy these great moments with your family and Thank You for sharing them with us!
That is just way too cool!! I am loving the star saw Matt Anne and Al close up? I dont know why that excites me so.
Greg Kinnear?! Okay, now I'm jealous. I've loved him since he was in "As Good As It Gets"... even though he played a gay guy in that one. Neat that the kids got the book, too. So glad you got to go do that. We did it as well when we were in NYC... also in October... and we nearly froze, too.
I am so jealous! New York is one place I would love to go. Glad to see you had an awesome time.
really cool! I just stumbled over here from Bethanne's blog.
You guys were in my area! I've been so behind on blogs I didn't even realize it until you were home. It looks like you had a great trip.
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