I love Family Fun magazine...and as I was reading it yesterday, and looking at all of the cute valentine ideas for my kiddos....realized...all of a sudden, that Ian won't be needing valentine's for school this year....Middle school kids don't "do" valentines....you know...So, I have three kids, but only get to be creative, and come up with 2 sets of valentines....kind of sad...what all of this really means to me, is Ian is growing up...fast....Another thing about Ian, he has really been wanting to become more independant lately...one of the things he has wanted to learn to do, is to cook...(Sounds great to me!!) So, since James and I have been on the South Beach Diet for 2 weeks this Sunday-There have been a lot of eggs consumed in the Allen household...My kids are loving all of this cooking that is going on...and Ian decided he wanted to learn to make his own scrambled eggs.....Sooooooo, James gave him an "egg-cracking, pan-spraying, cooking lesson", and he did a great job! Ian has cooked himself some eggs a couple of times already....He thinks he is the next Emeril!!! Who knows? You can be anything you want to be...Right? All you have to do is put your mind to it....That is what we try to teach our kids....(Not that Ian wants to be a chef, but you get the point...right?)
South Beach Diet....Yes...James and I have been doing Phase 1 of the diet for almost 2 weeks...For those of you who aren't familiar-Phase 1 exists of meat, veggies, low-fat cheese, eggs, peanuts, and sugar free jello(there are more options-but that pretty much sums it up)....We both felt pretty rough the first 3 days or so...but I am feeling much better now, and am pretty happy with my weight loss so far....7 pounds as of today...and James has lost 8, I think...So, we will continue on this journey...We are both looking forward to Phase 2, which begins on Monday, because we can begin adding in some carbs!!! Yippee!!! Cereal will have never tasted so good....
I am so happy to see the sunshine, and that the temperature is above 30!! I mean it would have been good to be above 15!!! I have realized, not that I didn't already know this-but this past week has helped me remember that I am NOT a cold weather girl...at all...I simply shut down...I don't want to go outside, don't want to leave the house, don't want to get out from under the fleece snowman blanket.....Here is a pic of it...to show that it really does exist...for those of you who have heard me mention it numerous times lately...

I used to be a huge fan of the soap opera "Days of Our Lives"(hence the name of my blog; ), back in my college days...So, since I have been spending a lot more time in the house, under the fleece snowman blanket-I have caught a few episodes of it again...Hmmm..I am not quite so sure why I was such a fan of the show...It is on my tv right now, and they are currently performing CPR on a "dying" man, who by the way has died numerous times over the past few year, and it is just cracking me up...I just would hope that they wouldn't be the ones performing CPR on me, if a psycho-psychiatrist jabbed a lethal dose of muscle relaxer into my back, so my heart stopped beating...ok...you get the point....moving on....
Work is another sore subject for me...I feel so blah about my job...I know that I should be just thankful to have a job with our economy the way it is right now...and believe me, I am...but I would love to have some "normalcy" in our lives...I am so over working night shifts...but it works for our family...always feeling like a zombie, being tired...ect...I know that I can't "do anything" about this right now...but I SO want to...I have been praying about this for quite some time...so I know God has a plan for my life...I just have to wait on his timing...not mine...which is so much easier said than done...=)
Well, on that note...I guess this has been enough rambling....Gotta run out and do a few errands...It is back to work tonight for me...=( Have a good day...
Hang in there my friend....you are putting your family first and there is no greater gift. Although working nights stinks right now, you can look back on this and be so proud that yes-you put James and your kids first. Not many people can say that. You have a TON of respect in my book :)
I want a "fleece snow man blanket"! where can i get one to keep warm and toasty?
love ya!!
oh yea!! congrats on 7 LBS!! way to go!! Keep up the great work!!
Me again!
Way to go on the diet....we are doing a Wellness Challenge at work. We have teams. Try to exercise daily, eat right, drink right, etc. I am not doing so good....lost 1 pound and gained it back the next week...my teammates would probably like to kick me off the team! We won't be winning the $50 Dick's Sporting Good gift card, that's for sure.
Congratulations on the 7 pounds! How is it going? I have to go to my husband's fraternity formal in April, so I've been thinking about doing South Beach to get a jump start on the weight loss. I really don't want to even think about a dress now.
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