Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer Time

Well, school is officially out, and I have three happy children....

We have had a lot of things going on in our lives this year...seems like more of them negative than positive...tree fell on our house in January(and most of you know-we are still recooperating from that one), James had to have gall bladder surgery, Ian fractured his ankle, Ian is facing oral surgery next week, James' mom's health is not good, or his dad either for that matter....many of our family members have gotten divorces....seems like lots of a world full of negative....My kids have had a hard time dealing with all of this...sometimes they seem to "have lost hope", they have questioned "Why does God let all this 'stuff' happen?", "Why can't he let our Mamaw get better?", "Why did he let a tree fall on our house?"..."What if it happens again?"...LOTS of questions....and I can honestly say, sometimes I feel that way too...BUT, I know that we can grow from it...I know that God can see the bigger picture, and HE knows what is best for us, and He is in control....I can say that, and I definitely mean it...but yes, sometimes it is still difficult....for some strange reason...just knowing that school is out, and summer is here...that makes it all somewhat better...Ocean and sand, would help even more-hee hee....and that is definitely in the near future ;)

I decided to write this post because of our recent desicion to NOT go back to NYC this summer....I have been praying for a few months now, about Macey and our trip back to the city...and have simply not felt a peace about it...Last year, I KNEW that God wanted us there, and there wasn't one doubt...This year, that peace simply wasn't there...We "wanted" to go back, but I also want what God wants...and sometimes his timing is not our own....So, even though I had these doubts, we continued on planning for the trip....To make a very long story short...apartment fell through...randomly...and a few other things, that just made James and I both say-"Let's talk to Macey about this...." we did...I would never want her to think I was giving up on her dream...and believe me, we are not...we are simply waiting....=) Like one of Macey's AMTC family members said the the other day, "NYC will be there-when God wants her to go back....but for now, you need to be where he wants her to be...." Macey smiled and said to me, "So, now I can go to Children's Camp at church?" She understands the importance of listening to God...I am so proud of the young lady she has become...and I KNOW that God is going to use her-whether in the entertainment industry or not....(even though I think it will be ;) because she is SO awesome!)

Do we feel like we are missing out? In a way, but being in His will-matters so much more....

Summer is going to be full this year...not of busy streets, auditions, modeling jobs, subways, traffic and enjoying the hustle and bustle of city life.....but full of family, sunshine, swimming, playing, parks, summer camp, beach time, and prayer....because, God has a bigger plan for us....we are just going to listen, wait, and see what that plan is....

Have a Blessed Sunday....

1 comment:

Chaserox said...

you just have to rember that god will help you threw every thing and aways put your faith in him.