I sit here listening to Macey and Cade playing with a beach ball that they got at the beach last week....throwing it to each other, knocking things over, and laughing themselves silly....James is reading on the computer, and I am on my laptop....that is 4.....Ian is on a mission trip with our church youth group....in Savannah...and for this week of our lives, our family just doesn't seem complete.....It's funny how something as simple as one child being gone changes the dynamic of your family so much....We miss him, but are also very proud of him....for going to share God's love with those who are less fortunate....
As our summer comes to a close, I have been thinking about where each our children are in their lives....and it makes me sad to think about how fast they are growing up...Where does the time go?
Ian will be 13 in August...8th grade....He got braces this summer, and it makes him look so much older...He is as tall as me, and he already wears a bigger shoe than I do...I know, that's not saying a whole lot, but it's the point ;) I remember him sucking his thumb, and holding on to James' ear...He loves soccer, football, wrestling...anything that is competitive....School work on the other hand...we won't even discuss...He has a big heart-He loves others-and I am so proud of who he has become....God is going to use him. I just know it.
Macey will be 11 in September...6th grade....Middle School? Seriously? That can't be...She is so excited...Full of energy, self confidence, and leadership....She knows what she wants, and when she wants it...She loves acting, and modeling....and she Dreams BIG! Her red curly hair is always tangled, and freckles are covering her face this summer....Her room is a disaster, most of the time, I can't even see the floor....but she loves her family-and prays for them daily....
Cade just turned 7...2nd grade.....He is a mess...Always into something...Has boo boos all over his body...bike wrecks, falls, you name it....He climbs furniture, jumps onto everything...never sits still....I seriously don't know where he gets his energy.....Had to meet with his teacher the first week of kindergarten because of "agressive" behavior....But he does care for others, he worries about his "Sissy" and he just told me the other day that he "was so glad he wasn't an only child"....Hee hee....He is growing up too fast...He asked Jesus into his heart this past year...and he Loves his family...
Summer is my favorite time of year...no schedules, playing, fun, beach, ocean and sand...Together time...and no one else can compete with that...no ball practices, homework, or projects due....I have 9 days left...and I am going to enjoy every minute....God is good...all the time =)
And these are the Days of our Lives
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Summer Time
Well, school is officially out, and I have three happy children....
We have had a lot of things going on in our lives this year...seems like more of them negative than positive...tree fell on our house in January(and most of you know-we are still recooperating from that one), James had to have gall bladder surgery, Ian fractured his ankle, Ian is facing oral surgery next week, James' mom's health is not good, or his dad either for that matter....many of our family members have gotten divorces....seems like lots of negative....in a world full of negative....My kids have had a hard time dealing with all of this...sometimes they seem to "have lost hope", they have questioned "Why does God let all this 'stuff' happen?", "Why can't he let our Mamaw get better?", "Why did he let a tree fall on our house?"..."What if it happens again?"...LOTS of questions....and I can honestly say, sometimes I feel that way too...BUT, I know that we can grow from it...I know that God can see the bigger picture, and HE knows what is best for us, and He is in control....I can say that, and I definitely mean it...but yes, sometimes it is still difficult....for some strange reason...just knowing that school is out, and summer is here...that makes it all somewhat better...Ocean and sand, would help even more-hee hee....and that is definitely in the near future ;)
I decided to write this post because of our recent desicion to NOT go back to NYC this summer....I have been praying for a few months now, about Macey and our trip back to the city...and have simply not felt a peace about it...Last year, I KNEW that God wanted us there, and there wasn't one doubt...This year, that peace simply wasn't there...We "wanted" to go back, but I also want what God wants...and sometimes his timing is not our own....So, even though I had these doubts, we continued on planning for the trip....To make a very long story short...apartment fell through...randomly...and a few other things, that just made James and I both say-"Let's talk to Macey about this...."...so we did...I would never want her to think I was giving up on her dream...and believe me, we are not...we are simply waiting....=) Like one of Macey's AMTC family members said the the other day, "NYC will be there-when God wants her to go back....but for now, you need to be where he wants her to be...." Macey smiled and said to me, "So, now I can go to Children's Camp at church?" She understands the importance of listening to God...I am so proud of the young lady she has become...and I KNOW that God is going to use her-whether in the entertainment industry or not....(even though I think it will be ;) because she is SO awesome!)
Do we feel like we are missing out? In a way, but being in His will-matters so much more....
Summer is going to be full this year...not of busy streets, auditions, modeling jobs, subways, traffic and enjoying the hustle and bustle of city life.....but full of family, sunshine, swimming, playing, parks, summer camp, beach time, and prayer....because, God has a bigger plan for us....we are just going to listen, wait, and see what that plan is....
Have a Blessed Sunday....
We have had a lot of things going on in our lives this year...seems like more of them negative than positive...tree fell on our house in January(and most of you know-we are still recooperating from that one), James had to have gall bladder surgery, Ian fractured his ankle, Ian is facing oral surgery next week, James' mom's health is not good, or his dad either for that matter....many of our family members have gotten divorces....seems like lots of negative....in a world full of negative....My kids have had a hard time dealing with all of this...sometimes they seem to "have lost hope", they have questioned "Why does God let all this 'stuff' happen?", "Why can't he let our Mamaw get better?", "Why did he let a tree fall on our house?"..."What if it happens again?"...LOTS of questions....and I can honestly say, sometimes I feel that way too...BUT, I know that we can grow from it...I know that God can see the bigger picture, and HE knows what is best for us, and He is in control....I can say that, and I definitely mean it...but yes, sometimes it is still difficult....for some strange reason...just knowing that school is out, and summer is here...that makes it all somewhat better...Ocean and sand, would help even more-hee hee....and that is definitely in the near future ;)
I decided to write this post because of our recent desicion to NOT go back to NYC this summer....I have been praying for a few months now, about Macey and our trip back to the city...and have simply not felt a peace about it...Last year, I KNEW that God wanted us there, and there wasn't one doubt...This year, that peace simply wasn't there...We "wanted" to go back, but I also want what God wants...and sometimes his timing is not our own....So, even though I had these doubts, we continued on planning for the trip....To make a very long story short...apartment fell through...randomly...and a few other things, that just made James and I both say-"Let's talk to Macey about this...."...so we did...I would never want her to think I was giving up on her dream...and believe me, we are not...we are simply waiting....=) Like one of Macey's AMTC family members said the the other day, "NYC will be there-when God wants her to go back....but for now, you need to be where he wants her to be...." Macey smiled and said to me, "So, now I can go to Children's Camp at church?" She understands the importance of listening to God...I am so proud of the young lady she has become...and I KNOW that God is going to use her-whether in the entertainment industry or not....(even though I think it will be ;) because she is SO awesome!)
Do we feel like we are missing out? In a way, but being in His will-matters so much more....
Summer is going to be full this year...not of busy streets, auditions, modeling jobs, subways, traffic and enjoying the hustle and bustle of city life.....but full of family, sunshine, swimming, playing, parks, summer camp, beach time, and prayer....because, God has a bigger plan for us....we are just going to listen, wait, and see what that plan is....
Have a Blessed Sunday....
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Plan or His?
I know, I am a blog slacker....Who knows if anyone out there in blog world even reads this blog any longer? I am not sure, and as of right now, don't care =) Writing is therapeutic sometimes, and I just felt the need to get this down...for me, if nothing else.....
Sometimes I feel as if God's "Plan" for my life....has never been put into action....My plan is the one I chose to live.....instead of His......I know that sounds crazy to some...I have a beautiful family, a home, job, wonderful church family....shouldn't have anything to complain about...and really, as far as those things go, I don't...but something is missing...Now, if I knew WHAT that something is, I wouldn't be posting this....I have felt this way for some time now....and until lately, completely ignored the thoughts....You know how it is when you think that God is speaking to you, but what he is saying seems somewhat "crazy"? or a little "out there"? I mean why would God want me to do anything other than raise my family, go to work, go to church....and just "be"....I have this gut feeling, He wants more...
I read blogs...I may not post on mine as much as I read others, but there are some amazing blog writers out there....and yesterday, one inparticular touched on this subject. Facing fears, listening to God, not only listening-but doing....That could be scary. really. Stepping outside the "comfort zone" of our lives, trusting God, and giving ourselves to Him....I have dealt with this for years...thinking it was my job, that I needed to "step outside of", maybe a friendship that wasn't working-that I needed to "step away from"-so many times, I thought I was doing what He was asking-"stepping outside my comfort zone"....I stepped a different way, but never to the point of being uncomfortable....where I needed to TOTALLY depend on Him....I have never considered the thought of a bigger step....a MUCH bigger step....
While I was in NYC last summer...I was uncomfortable....That pretty much is the most uncomfortable I have ever been....James got us settled in, then he came home to work for a few weeks before coming back....so there I was, with my 9 year old daughter, in an apartment as big as my laundry room, where I knew no one...and was supposed to "live"....Believe me, in the beginning, I thought to myself, " I am just going to stay in the apartment, until James come back"....but quickly realized that wasn't possible...We were there for Macey, because we truly felt God led us on this journey...So, how could I, in fear, not follow Him....Well, at that moment, when she and I were in tears, missing James, and the boys~it hit me...This is it...I am NOW outside my comfort zone....So now what? What he wanted for all these years....We gave it ALL to him....We got on our knees and began praying...me and Macey...we prayed for James' safety back home, we prayed for the boys, we prayed for our "journey" as we took on NYC alone....We began to pray, as if God was right there with us...We would recieve calls for auditions, in parts of town that I wasn't familiar with...We prayed that we would get on the right subway, take the right paths-to make the auditions on time....We prayed for everything...We prayed that God would show us to a church, where we could learn more about him, worship him, and grow closer to him during this time of change in our lives....I can honestly say....NYC was a blessing...Macey did amazing modeling, ect....but the true reason, I was outside my comfort zone, and had NO ONE but HIM to depend on...turn to...and He was there...We are planning on heading to the Big Apple again soon....entering another step in this crazy journey of ours....but I still don't think that is it...not the Big "Plan" he has in store for us...
God is moving. I am listening...and this time hoping to....go.
Sometimes I feel as if God's "Plan" for my life....has never been put into action....My plan is the one I chose to live.....instead of His......I know that sounds crazy to some...I have a beautiful family, a home, job, wonderful church family....shouldn't have anything to complain about...and really, as far as those things go, I don't...but something is missing...Now, if I knew WHAT that something is, I wouldn't be posting this....I have felt this way for some time now....and until lately, completely ignored the thoughts....You know how it is when you think that God is speaking to you, but what he is saying seems somewhat "crazy"? or a little "out there"? I mean why would God want me to do anything other than raise my family, go to work, go to church....and just "be"....I have this gut feeling, He wants more...
I read blogs...I may not post on mine as much as I read others, but there are some amazing blog writers out there....and yesterday, one inparticular touched on this subject. Facing fears, listening to God, not only listening-but doing....That could be scary. really. Stepping outside the "comfort zone" of our lives, trusting God, and giving ourselves to Him....I have dealt with this for years...thinking it was my job, that I needed to "step outside of", maybe a friendship that wasn't working-that I needed to "step away from"-so many times, I thought I was doing what He was asking-"stepping outside my comfort zone"....I stepped a different way, but never to the point of being uncomfortable....where I needed to TOTALLY depend on Him....I have never considered the thought of a bigger step....a MUCH bigger step....
While I was in NYC last summer...I was uncomfortable....That pretty much is the most uncomfortable I have ever been....James got us settled in, then he came home to work for a few weeks before coming back....so there I was, with my 9 year old daughter, in an apartment as big as my laundry room, where I knew no one...and was supposed to "live"....Believe me, in the beginning, I thought to myself, " I am just going to stay in the apartment, until James come back"....but quickly realized that wasn't possible...We were there for Macey, because we truly felt God led us on this journey...So, how could I, in fear, not follow Him....Well, at that moment, when she and I were in tears, missing James, and the boys~it hit me...This is it...I am NOW outside my comfort zone....So now what? What he wanted for all these years....We gave it ALL to him....We got on our knees and began praying...me and Macey...we prayed for James' safety back home, we prayed for the boys, we prayed for our "journey" as we took on NYC alone....We began to pray, as if God was right there with us...We would recieve calls for auditions, in parts of town that I wasn't familiar with...We prayed that we would get on the right subway, take the right paths-to make the auditions on time....We prayed for everything...We prayed that God would show us to a church, where we could learn more about him, worship him, and grow closer to him during this time of change in our lives....I can honestly say....NYC was a blessing...Macey did amazing modeling, ect....but the true reason, I was outside my comfort zone, and had NO ONE but HIM to depend on...turn to...and He was there...We are planning on heading to the Big Apple again soon....entering another step in this crazy journey of ours....but I still don't think that is it...not the Big "Plan" he has in store for us...
God is moving. I am listening...and this time hoping to....go.
Friday, February 26, 2010
22 Days.....
I heard on the radio this morning that there is only 22 days until Spring...That makes me smile...I know, I know....just because the calendar says that it is Spring....doesn't mean that we will all of a sudden have "warm weather"....but just knowing that we can "officially" say it is Spring....means it won't be far away....and that makes Cassie one happy girl....
I don't blog much anymore, and having been making a small effort lately...but still not doing very well....I love to journal...and write things down...and have actually been doing more "writing" with a pen~than blogging....and thats ok...all journal entries aren't meant for blogs anyway...some need to be written on paper...with a really good pen...hee hee....A good pen is another thing that makes me smile...I will admit it...I am a dork....
Anyway...As we are coming up on Spring time...I was wanting to put a list on my blog of "Things that make me happy...."~even if they seem trivial~I just really need to write them down.... Seems like I have spent a lot of time complaining lately...Ask James...=) (not that we haven't had reason to...with a tree in my roof and all....I'm just sayin') This list is for me...so, don't be thinking that I should be happy for things I've not listed...I am obviously blessed with my precious family, my husband and best friend, my church, and my salvation...These things ALWAYS make me happy...even in the middle of January when it is pouring the snow, and there is a tree in my roof...This list is the "non-obvious" things...that when they happen, I "smile" on the inside....
So, for what it's worth....here it is....
"My list of things~no matter how small~that make me happy"
1. When I am in the pick up line at school....and I see Macey and Cade walking to the car...holding hands and smiling...They love each other so much...
2. When Ian comes up to me, and hugs me, no matter who is standing around...He isn't embarrased....
3. When James calls and asks me if I want to meet him for lunch
4. No laundry to do
5. having 20 minutes in the afternoon while waiting on the kids in the car~ to read
6. the tanning bed....I know, I know...but it does
7. the beach in general....I have actually gotten to the beach before, and my eyes filled up with tears....it is a place of complete peacefulness to me...I just can't even explain it....but James understands, and even that makes me happy...=)
8. To be married to my best friend....I always hear people complaining over their husbands, and I guess I do my share fair...but he is the Best...and I know I don't tell him that enough....
9. When Cade wants to hold my hand...and feeling that small little hand, that is already so much bigger than it used to be...in mine....
10. When Macey asks my opinion on something that is important to her....She is very independant....but knowing that she still needs my opinion...makes me smile....
11. Ian's face when he won his wrestling match yesterday....He has been really down on himself lately...struggling with some things related to school work, ect. He did awesome...and God knew he needed a little "self esteem" boost...and BLESSED him with a win yesterday....
12. Sunshine....When I see the sun trying to shine behind those gray clouds...beautiful...
13. Christian Friends...I am truly blessed with some of the best friends ever...James and I both...
14. This is a little more "materialistic"...but chap stick...couldn't live without it...
15. Getting ready to start a weight loss class with James...Love that we are doing this together...
16. NYC...loved spending time there with Macey...She sometimes gets left out with all of the sporting events ect we have to attend....so our time there was sacred....Girl time is a MUST
17. I am a "gadget girl"....so love my laptop, my blackberry, Ipod touch...you get the picture....
18. flip flops....with a good pedicure....always makes me smile....
19. my tattoo....every time I see it...I smile...
20. Cade's artwork...He def is a little artist...I love to hear his voice, explaining what he has drawn....and to see the details in his pictures...always amazes me....
that's it for now...because there are other things that need to be done around here...but just needed to do that...the list is much longer...may finish it later...have a blessed day...and enjoy the sunshine!!!!!
I don't blog much anymore, and having been making a small effort lately...but still not doing very well....I love to journal...and write things down...and have actually been doing more "writing" with a pen~than blogging....and thats ok...all journal entries aren't meant for blogs anyway...some need to be written on paper...with a really good pen...hee hee....A good pen is another thing that makes me smile...I will admit it...I am a dork....
Anyway...As we are coming up on Spring time...I was wanting to put a list on my blog of "Things that make me happy...."~even if they seem trivial~I just really need to write them down.... Seems like I have spent a lot of time complaining lately...Ask James...=) (not that we haven't had reason to...with a tree in my roof and all....I'm just sayin') This list is for me...so, don't be thinking that I should be happy for things I've not listed...I am obviously blessed with my precious family, my husband and best friend, my church, and my salvation...These things ALWAYS make me happy...even in the middle of January when it is pouring the snow, and there is a tree in my roof...This list is the "non-obvious" things...that when they happen, I "smile" on the inside....
So, for what it's worth....here it is....
"My list of things~no matter how small~that make me happy"
1. When I am in the pick up line at school....and I see Macey and Cade walking to the car...holding hands and smiling...They love each other so much...
2. When Ian comes up to me, and hugs me, no matter who is standing around...He isn't embarrased....
3. When James calls and asks me if I want to meet him for lunch
4. No laundry to do
5. having 20 minutes in the afternoon while waiting on the kids in the car~ to read
6. the tanning bed....I know, I know...but it does
7. the beach in general....I have actually gotten to the beach before, and my eyes filled up with tears....it is a place of complete peacefulness to me...I just can't even explain it....but James understands, and even that makes me happy...=)
8. To be married to my best friend....I always hear people complaining over their husbands, and I guess I do my share fair...but he is the Best...and I know I don't tell him that enough....
9. When Cade wants to hold my hand...and feeling that small little hand, that is already so much bigger than it used to be...in mine....
10. When Macey asks my opinion on something that is important to her....She is very independant....but knowing that she still needs my opinion...makes me smile....
11. Ian's face when he won his wrestling match yesterday....He has been really down on himself lately...struggling with some things related to school work, ect. He did awesome...and God knew he needed a little "self esteem" boost...and BLESSED him with a win yesterday....
12. Sunshine....When I see the sun trying to shine behind those gray clouds...beautiful...
13. Christian Friends...I am truly blessed with some of the best friends ever...James and I both...
14. This is a little more "materialistic"...but chap stick...couldn't live without it...
15. Getting ready to start a weight loss class with James...Love that we are doing this together...
16. NYC...loved spending time there with Macey...She sometimes gets left out with all of the sporting events ect we have to attend....so our time there was sacred....Girl time is a MUST
17. I am a "gadget girl"....so love my laptop, my blackberry, Ipod touch...you get the picture....
18. flip flops....with a good pedicure....always makes me smile....
19. my tattoo....every time I see it...I smile...
20. Cade's artwork...He def is a little artist...I love to hear his voice, explaining what he has drawn....and to see the details in his pictures...always amazes me....
that's it for now...because there are other things that need to be done around here...but just needed to do that...the list is much longer...may finish it later...have a blessed day...and enjoy the sunshine!!!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Light at the End of the Tunnel....

This morning, James met with a contractor to "hopefully" get our house finished....
The weather finally seems to be breaking, and the insurance guys were out here the other day-and should be here the first of the week to get our roof fixed~from the tree damage....
We are hoping to get the garage finished also...just simply waiting on the estimate for that part....
The tree guys will be here in the next week or so to cut down 5 trees that we consider "dangerous" to our house...I definitely don't want to spend all this money on a new roof, and finishing my garage, only for a tree to fall on our house again...So those big guys are coming down...and we are SO thankful for that....
So, I say all that to say~God is in control...and it has all been in his timing...and for that I am thankful...Sometimes, I don't have patience to deal with some of life's situations that we face...the "unplanned" events that happen to us...But, as we look back, it is so evident that HIS hand was in it...everything from the tree falling, to the timing of where we were at the time it fell....even All of this snow we have had....there is a reason for it...I just want to say thanks to HIM this morning....for being there when we didn't know what was going to happen or which way to turn.....
The beautiful sunrise this morning was truly a blessing to me...My "light" at the end of a tunnel.....=)
Friday, February 5, 2010
There are Times....
There are times when I simply look at the vast mountain of laundry in my laundry room and think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel...I attempt to sort the clothes, fold them and place them in the correct child's room...Time to go pick the kids up from school, and then from out of nowhere there is another days worth of clothes thrown into the pile...that I had previously sorted...and it simply starts all over....=(
There are times that I think if I have to say,"Pick up your shoes, put away your coats, jackets, backpacks", "do you homework", one more time~that I am going to explode...or start screaming at the top of my lungs~actually I think I have tried that one...without a positive outcome...
There are times that I honestly want to break down and cry because I just put on my "hoodie for the day" and went into the bathroom to get ready-and got blue gel sparkly toothpaste all over my shirt because some little person didn't see it was neccessary to get it up after brushing their teeth...(at least they brushed them, right?)
There are times during our busy weeks when I think all I want to do is come home to my nice cozy home and stay here all evening...but no, we have to be at wrestling practice, dance, soccer, football, basketball, dog training, baseball~you name it...just depends on what season it is...
Dinner at home, together as a family...Is that too much to ask? Oh wait...I forgot my kitchen table is covered with picture frames, and paraphenalia from our family room...because we did just have a tree fall on our house~we have to walk past our mattresses in our living room around our bedroom furniture to get to the kitchen that we are unable to use to it's full capacity because we are waiting to get our roof fixed...and it keeps on snowing or raining or snowing or raining....I think you get the picture....
I walk down the hall, stepping over dirty clothes, broken toys, basketballs, and think "WHY? Can't these little people who live with me pick up after themselves?" I ask them to, sometimes I think they don't listen...sometimes I feel like everything that I do, is for nothing...But then my little guy writes me a note last night...that says something like..."Thank you mommy for loving me, taking me to school, always kissing me good night, and you are very special to me..."
Yes, that made me cry...God has a way of giving us a little ray of sunshine even on the cloudiest of days....and for that I am thankful...
I do think the chaos in our home situation has taken over...our lives, as of late are a little chaotic...I feel like I am lost at the bottom of this endless pit of "unfinishable tasks"....Tasks that can't be finished, unless someone else comes to do the work...roof, sheet rock, trees cut down....you get the picture....I may be in need of a vacation...or a doctor's appointment...or who knows? Both at this point...hee hee..
Now, just hoping for a break in this weather, so the roofers can get out here and get things going...then I can get to straightening out this mess....God is in control...I am just going to give all of this over to him...
Blogging used to seem like sort of therapy for me..so I thought, at this point...Might as well try it...=) Can't hurt? right?
There are times that I think if I have to say,"Pick up your shoes, put away your coats, jackets, backpacks", "do you homework", one more time~that I am going to explode...or start screaming at the top of my lungs~actually I think I have tried that one...without a positive outcome...
There are times that I honestly want to break down and cry because I just put on my "hoodie for the day" and went into the bathroom to get ready-and got blue gel sparkly toothpaste all over my shirt because some little person didn't see it was neccessary to get it up after brushing their teeth...(at least they brushed them, right?)
There are times during our busy weeks when I think all I want to do is come home to my nice cozy home and stay here all evening...but no, we have to be at wrestling practice, dance, soccer, football, basketball, dog training, baseball~you name it...just depends on what season it is...
Dinner at home, together as a family...Is that too much to ask? Oh wait...I forgot my kitchen table is covered with picture frames, and paraphenalia from our family room...because we did just have a tree fall on our house~we have to walk past our mattresses in our living room around our bedroom furniture to get to the kitchen that we are unable to use to it's full capacity because we are waiting to get our roof fixed...and it keeps on snowing or raining or snowing or raining....I think you get the picture....
I walk down the hall, stepping over dirty clothes, broken toys, basketballs, and think "WHY? Can't these little people who live with me pick up after themselves?" I ask them to, sometimes I think they don't listen...sometimes I feel like everything that I do, is for nothing...But then my little guy writes me a note last night...that says something like..."Thank you mommy for loving me, taking me to school, always kissing me good night, and you are very special to me..."
Yes, that made me cry...God has a way of giving us a little ray of sunshine even on the cloudiest of days....and for that I am thankful...
I do think the chaos in our home situation has taken over...our lives, as of late are a little chaotic...I feel like I am lost at the bottom of this endless pit of "unfinishable tasks"....Tasks that can't be finished, unless someone else comes to do the work...roof, sheet rock, trees cut down....you get the picture....I may be in need of a vacation...or a doctor's appointment...or who knows? Both at this point...hee hee..
Now, just hoping for a break in this weather, so the roofers can get out here and get things going...then I can get to straightening out this mess....God is in control...I am just going to give all of this over to him...
Blogging used to seem like sort of therapy for me..so I thought, at this point...Might as well try it...=) Can't hurt? right?

Friday, January 29, 2010
The Tree
So far 2010 has been a little rough for the Allen family...almost broke my ankle-which included a midnight ER visit, James has been dealing with some abdominal pain for the past 5-6 weeks, and now is scheduled for gall bladder removal surgery on February 9th-and to top it all off~a tree fell on our house this past Sunday night...and did quite a bit of damage...there are numerous holes, broken trusses, the eave of the house completely off+James' truck had a considerable amount of damage to it...$3000 to be exact...

Sometimes when all of these things are going on around us, it is so hard to see the silver lining to all of these "clouds" that seem to be surrounding us right now....but I know, and James knows that God is in control, and we are in HIS hands....God allows for us to go through difficult times in our lives ONLY to make us stronger, and to grow closer to him. I have been spending a lot of time watching and reading about all of the devastation that has happened in Haiti-due to the earthquake. and their situation is SO horrible. We do have food to eat, roofs over our heads and heat to stay warm, water to drink. We are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes it is so easy to get that "woe is me" attitude....but I know that God has a plan for us. I can't tell you now WHY these things have happened, all at once, but I know that with FAITH all things are possible. My God is in control, and that is what gives me peace.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Enough Said....
I saw this on the internet yesterday, while I am sitting here bored because I severely sprained my ankle...Yes, very thankful for no broken bones, but just SO many things I need to be doing, and can't...It doesn't take much for me to get down...especially when there is snow on the ground, and it is 10 degrees outside...so this spoke to me...LOVE IT....
I just found this blog...and I LOVE it...Be sure to check it out...www.Gitzengirl.blogspot.com

Monday, January 4, 2010
Blogging? What is that?
Blogging? I think that I have forgotten what that is...I love to journal...and write down my thoughts...I have been doing that...just not here on my blog...I hate to admit that I, too, have just gotten so caught up in the busy-ness of life, that I have just thrown in the towel when it comes to blogging....I would love to keep it up, but it just seems that no matter how much I try, or how good my intentions are...just isn't happening....I'm not making a "resolution" to do better, but I did want to get on here and touch base with the maybe 2 people who are still reading....lol....
2010...wow...That is difficult to write...Where does the time go? It just passes by quicker and quicker with each year....I have a "mental list" of things I want to accomplish this year...I am not going to bore you by listing them out...but I definitely hope to make some changes this year. We, as a family, are hoping to make some changes also. together..Which is why I changed my blog header. Together, What a wonderful place to be. No matter the actual physical location~as long as we are together...love that...and it is so true...One of the blogs that I read suggested that we come up with a "word" for 2010...a word that you hope to live by...throughout 2010. Something to focus on, aim for, work on....The word I have chosen...is...Together. There are many reasons that I am choosing this word...but the one that touches me the most...is I want to grow closer to my God. I want my family to do the same. Together-I know we can do all things. He is in control. And I love that.
Looking forward to a great 2010....=)
2010...wow...That is difficult to write...Where does the time go? It just passes by quicker and quicker with each year....I have a "mental list" of things I want to accomplish this year...I am not going to bore you by listing them out...but I definitely hope to make some changes this year. We, as a family, are hoping to make some changes also. together..Which is why I changed my blog header. Together, What a wonderful place to be. No matter the actual physical location~as long as we are together...love that...and it is so true...One of the blogs that I read suggested that we come up with a "word" for 2010...a word that you hope to live by...throughout 2010. Something to focus on, aim for, work on....The word I have chosen...is...Together. There are many reasons that I am choosing this word...but the one that touches me the most...is I want to grow closer to my God. I want my family to do the same. Together-I know we can do all things. He is in control. And I love that.
Looking forward to a great 2010....=)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I am Still Here....
Ok , guys, I know...

I am bad....

I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!! I know that when I start getting emails from friends and family wanting to know if we are ok....and telling me that they miss my blog...that I am a slacker....Sorry, but to be honest, Facebook has simply made me get away from blogging...Not an excuse, I know...but the quickness of it, and being able to do it from my blackberry..I just sort of left my blog out in "cyber land"....ha ha ha....I will try to do better....Promise!!!
We are all doing great...Kids are growing up on me, involved in lots of sports, and extracurricular activities....doing well in school....
I have a new job~back in the hospital setting~and loving it...Working an awesome schedule, no nights, no weekends, no holidays!! First time since I have been a nurse that I have had that kind of schedule....
Have to get ready for church this am, but going to post a couple of pics for you...just because...Have a Blessed Sunday....
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