Thursday, January 31, 2008
Salsarita's Again?

Allergy Testing

He wanted to pose one more time with his back scratcher. He must take after his daddy =)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Their Baby is Here!!
My Biggest Pet Peeve

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Did You Brush Your Teeth?
So I asked. "Ian, Did you brush your teeth?"
"No, I forgot." he said, as if it didn't matter. . . "I will when I get home."
"Are you kidding me? Do you realize how nasty it is to go to schoool and not brush your teeth? Not to mention your breath is disgusting!" I started feeling my blood pressure rise.
I then had a very ingenius idea. . . I think, anyway. . . I proceeded to tell Ian that I was taking Cade and Macey to school, and then he and I would head back home for him to brush his teeth.
"I will be late for TJ Singers!!!" he said. "That is not fair!" Smiling to myself, I said, "You should have thought about that one before you left the house without brushing." But then, I even had a better idea. . . "No, Ian we are going to run by Wal-greens, and buy a toothbrush, and toothpaste, and you can brush your teeth there before we return to school. . . "
"Fine,"he said. "That is closer anyway."
So that is what we did. I bought a sample toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Checked out-after informing the checkout lady what Ian had done-and she was laughing. . .Then I sent him to the bathroom to brush. . .After he was finished, before we left the store-I did a 'teeth check'. . . to make sure he did a good enough job. . .and he did. . . so once we were back in the van--
I said, "Ian , when you get home from school, you owe me $3.26 of your money(Ian is a money hoard-he doesn't want to spend his money for ANYTHING-he is saving for something big) to pay for the stuff we had to buy this morning."
"That isn't fair!! It was your idea to go and buy it. . " he whined.
"Yes, it was. . .and I would bet that you won't forget to brush your teeth before school anymore. . .Will you?" I asked him smiling. . .
He agreed with me. . . Lesson learned. Brush you Teeth.
I will keep you posted on his progress :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
It's Monday Again
With all of the things going on in James' family, we tried to keep a sense of "stability" with the kids. They know that Mamaw Allen is really sick and that sure is a whole lot for a child to have to understand. Ian has had a difficult time dealing with it. As many of you that read my blog know, his teacher was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. She was supposed to be coming back to school in January, but has found out that her cancer is worse than they thought and will be having more surgeries, and won't be coming back this school year. Ian usually doesn't "click" with any teacher, but he did with Mrs. Carroll. She has taken lots of extra time with Ian, she was tutoring one hour every day before school-and we were seeing tremendous growth in his reading skills. Therefore having a substitute for the rest of the year has been really hard for him. Mamaw Allen's health is a big concern to Ian also. He asks me lots of questions. One for instance, is he doesn't understand why people have to pay for dialysis if you need it to stay alive? Good question. . .But even I have a hard time understanding healthcare in today's world. I say all of this to say. . .We tried to just be "normal" on Sunday. . We took the kids by to visit Mamaw and Papaw after we went to the early church service, and then just "had fun" the rest of the day. . . James took the boys to the church gym to "shoot some hoops"(Ian has been wanting to practice all he can here lately--if he would only be as dedicated to school work!!!) Macey and I went to the mall, I got my nails done, and then we went to her 2 favorite stores--"Justice" and "Claire's". We had a good time, just the girls. . . .doesn't happen often enough-or so Macey says : ) We came home, and got ready for church last night. . . .We had a special group that sang, and they did a tremendous job. . . Then we went to eat with some of our friends. . . We have a "tradition" of going to eat somewhere after church on Sunday night. . .and last night was no different. . .But we had a VERY large group. . . There were 16 of us, and only 6 adults were in that group!! We were outnumbered by the children!!!! I was so proud of all of the kids. . .they were so well behaved. . . For a group of kids to sit at a table by themselves, that large. . . they were amazing!! I am so proud of them. . . .We had a great time just sitting and talking with good friends. . . Thanks guys for a fun "outing"! I am on my way to the Y--and just wanted to update. . . Please continue to remember James and Rita in your prayers this week. Happy Monday!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Update on James' Mom, Rita
Saturday, January 26, 2008
In the Hospital Again. . .
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Daughter's Blog

A Treat
I know, it sounds a little gross. . . but I am telling you, it is wonderful!!! I have been counting calories again. . . and this drink is almost like drinking a dessert. . .It isn't something you would want to chug after getting off of the elliptical or anything like that. . but just "in place" of a dessert. . .or if you are craving something sweet. . . that has "ZERO" calories. . . . If you like cherry flavored tootsie roll pops. . .that is exactly what it tastes like. . .you should try it. . . you will like it =)
This one is for YOU. . .

At Papaw and Mamaw's pool. . . Looking forward to those days again. . this 20 degree weather is killing me. . .

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Where do I Blog?
Tubing Fun

The Allen Family. . . Thanks Lisa for taking this pic for us. . .We love our Winter Family Photo!!Cade loved just playing in the tubes. . before he even went down the hill. . .He is too funny!
Macey sitting here, worrying, and very nervous about her first trip down the hill...
Ian and Landon. . . no nerves there. . .They were ready to head down the hill. . They actually got pretty good and skipping line. . and no one seemed to even notice. . . except mom. . .
Lisa and I took a turn by ourselves. . Cade rode on Lisa's lap. . .He laughed the whole way down. . The more times we went, the faster we went, because the snow got packed down. . This last time down the slopes--we flew!!!
Cade had hat head when we got back to the van. . . Too cute. . .Everyone is tired and hungry. . . Macey ready to go and eat some lunch. . .
Daddy with 2 of his babies. . .Ian rode with Brian and Lisa. . .Ian and Landon had a great time riding together in Lisa's car. . .
Me and Miss Mace. . .She had a rough day. . She went down 2 or 3 times and then got really sick at her stomach. . She got too hot, and had to take her coat off, and I think the motion gets to her. . She isn't going to be a "ride person" like the rest of us. . . Bless her heart. . . Love you Macey.
James and I. . . We had a great time this weekend. . . Thanks for taking off from work so we could all go!! Love you honey. . .
Thanks Lisa and Brian for a great weekend!! We had a great time with you guys. . . The kids are already talking about going tubing again before winter is over. . . .
A couple more "Thank You's" are in order. . . Thanks to Mamaw and Papaw Horne for buying the kids waterproof "gear", snowpants, boots, ect. Thanks to you guys--they all stayed dry and warm. . . also thanks to Kurt and Bicki for letting me use your child's snow boots. . .(yes, I do have that small of a foot!!)that is why my feet stayed dry and warm also. . . Have a great week. . . .
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A Typical Saturday

Is that a cat meowing?
"Mommy!!", he said, "My stomach has a kitten in it!! Did you hear that?"
I was laughing out loud. . He is hilarious!!!!